>starting a war for pussy
Starting a war for pussy
Blame the vanity of three whorey goddesses and a golden apple bruv.
>be handsome scrawny dyel guy
>fuck the most beautiful girl in all of greece so good she runs away with you
spartanbros we got too cocky...
Paris was pretty based tbqh
book was better
also i'm from lit
so he wasn't really a simp, he' wasnt an incel
what was he ?
from /diy/ here, I like to spam here and get banned.
/lit/ here, The Aeneid is better
they are completly different you dumbass
I mean, you incels kill innocent people over the lack of it. Don't deny that pussy has power.
don't put pussy on a grecian column
>starting a war over not getting invited to a wedding
Are all greek gods crazy sociopaths?
the archetypal pseud
Shoud have gone home and jacked off
the ultimate simp
>gets choice to have unlimited power or wisdom
>chooses to fuck a hot chick instead
Was he a simp or a chad?
I would kill billions for a single pussy
It was for honour just like how ww1 started
>flooding all of Tokyo for pussy
Greek epics don't work when you remove the pantheon.
umm based
Blame Zeus for setting all this up just for his entertainment
ww1 was just a few autists trying to expand their empires and looking for excuses to do it
Bait, but i'd like to see the trainwreck of explanation to that absurdity anyway.
Based Hector was done so wrong because of that fucking idiot.
This is actually an understandable thing.
Why not, it's not like he has to go fight. All the betas and other nerds have to go out and get slaughtered so he can fuck some other guy's wife
Imagine being Paris and not even feeling guilty for that
What else?
This guy started a war over a six year old
that's explained in the movie
you see her tits
>when you're too scared to fight for yourself