The Terror

I'm still in awe of this show.
>came out out of nowhere from a literally who production company
>somehow manages not only to be the best show made in the last decade, but a contender for best made of all time
This show beats Rome, it beats GoT (easily), it beats anything Netflix has put out ever (the only 'good' Netflix shows being The Haunting and MAYBE The Witcher/Stranger Things).
I'm rewatching right now, on episode 4.

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ok fag

Its shit. You only like it because the gay guy is the bad guy

>supernatural bullshit

that knocks off 2 points. 7.5/10. definitely would recommend.

The supernatural stuff is what made it good. I would have knocked off two points if it wasn't supernatural.

My gf said the same so youre either dumb or a trannie since woman dont come here

Annoyingly based

You clearly don't deserve her.
She belongs with me.


where to watch this?

started watching it with my dad but lost interested when they got into gay shit

>'good' Netflix shows
>Stranger Things

I can't wait for a new season, even though nothing will ever top the first.


I was going to ask what's the difference but then I realized that you can be dumb without being a trannie, but you cant be a trannie without being dumb

did your dad lose interest too?

nice blog but I don't remember asking
Breaking Bad and BCS are still better

>muh drugs

It’s a Dan Simmons story, of course it’s maximum KINO
a Hyperion adaptation would change the film industry permanently

It was entertaining and better than most streaming shows. I don't think it was better than prime GOT or even prime Homeland.

I dislike both Haunting and Stranger Things though so we probably have very different taste.

They should do a season based on Drood.

>a contender for best made of all time
Sure thing, buddy. But out of curiosity, what others are contenders for you?


Dan Simmons has written a lot of cool stuff.

Illium/Olympos would be a great 2 season TV show.

Attached: Dan_Simmons_Ilium.jpg (190x290, 40.57K)

With David Suchet? Well, that's a better contender, at least.

For me, the Terror was an interesting watch, mainly because of the "happened in real life" aspect (LOL) but definitely not something I'd like to go back to.


It's an excellent show but still doesn't beat Fargo season 2. Season 2 of The Terror should be burned and memory holed.

No, he got really into after that.

... huh...

The naval stuff was great, the tuunbaq plot was lame. I don't mind supernatural stuff, but introducing CGI bear fights was not the way to do it.
Simmons is a colossal hack. The first Hyperion book was good, but everything else he's written since then has ranged from mediocre to god-awful. The Illium books are some of the most retarded works of fiction I've ever read.
The fact that The Terror is good despite being based on a Simmons book is a minor miracle.

I mainly watched it for Tozer. I only come in these threads to talk about Tozer. It's been years and I am still pissed he died off screen.

But season 1 was the best season of Fargo.

Haven't watched season 2. Is it shit or worth a gander?