Have you watched "The Last Dance", user? It's so good

>Have you watched "The Last Dance", user? It's so good.

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that's does it im becoming a girl

Shut up, Connie

No but I've seen The Unfinished Dance.

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Ya it was pretty good. Do you think Jordan's dads death was related to gambling debts?

I want to TIT FUCK corinna

It was pretty good. Made me realize how much I didn't know about Jordan's career.

Who dosen't

A bimbo who loves kino's? Sounds like I'm on a good date

>Save The Last Chance
(say u luv IR one more time and I'll kill u)

what's it like to go on a date with a cute girl ?

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"you're the one thats good"
works every time

my hands were sweaty and I was really nervous. Then I took her hand and her hand was also sweaty and I realized she is nervous as well. It was comfy after that

sounds pretty based user, I hope the best for both of you

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Turns out they don't really like Star Wars all that much so it's pretty meh

>blonde hair
>black eyebrows
How is this possible? Please explain.

Cute :)

we get it OP, you're an incel. stop being a whiny bitch about it.

Are you literally 14? That's the kind of shit you experience in middle school holy fucking shit.

Hello, I’m John Quiñones with ABC news. What would you do if you were a girl, user?

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have sex

never heard of it

I have actually, I thought it was pretty good. I think it glorified MJ and glossed over some others a bit too much but I guess that's to be expected

>michael jordan looks like my ex hahaha

Shut the fuck up and look pretty

That girl isn't just cute, she's a 9/10

Ywn have Corinna be sexually aggressive towards you

Awkward. I hate first dates. You want both of you to have fun but you don't know each other so it's hard.

You must be quite young.
Once you realize that first dates are really only about getting to know one another and to see if you actually have chemistry, you'll realize that there is nothing to be scared or nervous about.

Its crap and overrated.

I don't know what to do once that happens. The PUAs say you should try to bed her immediately, the trads say wait til marriage or at least several months.