What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>Show gets worse over time
Just the nature of TV.
But with Archer, I find even the shitty seasons are still somewhat enjoyable.

reddit humor

real answer?
the creator painted himself into a corner by making archer a dad in a committed relationship, so he had to start doing the themed seasons to get around that
Archer peaked at season 4, 5 is pushing it and it's all downhill after that

>What went wrong?

It got too goofy. They stopped putting any effort into the plot and just made an endless SNL skit.

All the dream seasons god just get him out of his fucking coma.

Archer vice is good

Show lasted way longer than they had ideas for, and additional seasons were needed per network demand
I liked Danger Island but you can tell they're phoning it in since Season 5. The show's early seasons are still great but like said they sort of outpaced their idea box and screwed up.

These desu
Again, I liked Danger Island, and even Dreamland and the Space one had their moments. It's undeniably not as fresh as the first three seasons though

I think less of people who enjoy this show

I think less of you
(No reason)

same jokes


They wanted to make it a throwback show but lacked the balls to pull it off.

they chose to pair him with the jogger and not Cheryl just imagine all the writing potential thrown away with that choice.

>TL;DR niggers ruin everything.

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I heard the last season got better reviews compared to previous seasons. Is it worth checking out?

>pair him up with the character who’s been his closest acquaintance and “will they won’t they” interest since the beginning
Yeah what an unreasonable choice

Good question.
Why did it turn to shit after season seven?

Adult Comedy Animation rankings:

God Tier
>Prime South Park
>Moral Orel
>Drawn Together
>Frisky Dingo
>Sealab 2021
>Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
>Harvey Birdman

Good Tier
>King of the Hill
>Beavis and Butthead
>Prime Simpsons
>Prime Family Guy
>American Dad
>The Critics
>Venture Bros.
>Mike Tyson Mysteries
>The Boondocks

Average Tier
>Bobs Burgers
>Clerks: The Series
>The Brak Show
>The PJs
>Big Mouth

Mediocre Tier
>Current South Park
>Current Family Guy
>Cleveland Show
>Rick and Morty
>Mr. Pickles
>Robot Chicken
>Bojack Horseman
>Hot Streets
>The Jellies
>F is For Family

Shit Tier
>Current Simpsons
>Central Park
>Solar Opposites
>Final Space
>Allen Degregory
>Napoleon Dynamite
>Paradise P.D.

Ok hipster

I tried to like Drawn Together, but with the exception of the cereal mascot episode and a handful of good jokes over the entire series it was a chore

decent, Venture Bros should be higher

the show thrives on chaos and Lana is too bland to provide sufficient levels but the instability between Sterling & Cheryl in a relationship would have maximized potential story paths with the shear chaos generated but they also could have just ended it on season 7 with Lana being a single mother coff coff widow coff and the baby with no father its like poetry really~

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isis became a real thing so they stopped being spies.
them being spies was a huge part of the setting.

Genuinely enjoyable when it was satire of Connery and Moore movies. Before it became the "let's repeat the EPIC quirky catchphrases 20 times an episode."

>Prime Family Guy
No such thing.
>American dad.

>no Xavier: Renegade Angel

They didn't want a formula spy comedy
>tfw all we wanted was a formula spy comedy

quality started dipping with season 5 (still good but a noticeable decline). 6 and 7 were ok then 8 onwards just wasn't that funny at all. the repeated jokes got stale. the concepts of season 8 - 10 had potential but never lived up to their potential

is he out of the coma?

>napoleon dynamite

Running out of ideas and desu I think it got a lot more tamer pretty quick.

it wasn't funny