Shows that are shit, but entertaining.

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I have the feeling that you could actually make a great show out of SoA if someone took the time to edit out 80% of it. It's not that it's bad, the problem is that it drags horribly and its encumbered with a fuckton of filler, particularly after S3. In fact, you could just shave off 95% of Ss 4 - 6 with nothing of value lost.

American Dad

Also checked

Listen Sheriff, I know you just saw us murder 19 people in cold blood. But you can't arrest us. Think big picture. We have to keep brown happy in order to keep black and yellow happy. Just hang on, I'm moving SAM CRO out of guns, brother.

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I'm just checking to see if you guys are whole?

I feel kind of bad for enjoying this

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this will piss some anons off but fuck it

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bait but true for season 3

Put together a meet

I love you brothers

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>ctrl+f blowback
>0 results

I went to a Harley dealership because of this show. I’ve never been more embarrassed for myself.

The clubbed out Dyans they ride are the only Harleys that aren't 110% cringe.

Everything else Harley makes is a pigfat boomer barge that can't even do a U-turn without stopping.

Japan has been making cruisers that absolutely shit on Harleys in every way for decades. The only reason MCs don't switch over is "muh tradishun". Even Sonny Barger said that he wished they'd switched over to Jap bikes because they're objectively better.

why is mayans the same show but with mexicans

It's the best "gang" tv show. It would have made more sense if it were placed in the 70's when biker gangs actually owned towns and had the police on payroll. Modern year biker clubs are in shambles. My town has a Hells Angels clubhouse. At any given time, there are 8 bikes parked there max. Compared to the 70's when clubs were always packed and had parties daily

Don't forget the flanderized SoA cameos and an extra does of performative wokeness

>watched SOA until S4E2 and then gave up
It was all right, but too much fucking filler, and:
>we're gonna stop selling guns
>oh no [THING] happened, we have to keep selling guns

Harley is shit this is true. But Dynas are overpriced dogshit. The only non-cringe Harley is a Sportster with EVO engine.
Also Harley is finally trying to branch out. They have electric bikes coming out along with electric bicycles but they are way too late. Harley will be kill within a decade.

I'll never forgive them for what they did to Buell

They plan on doing a bunch of spinoffs. Mayans is onlyu the beginning.

I'm betting at least one will be in the 70s-90s MC golden age focusing on how the Sons were formed and how all the shit with JT really went down.

I'd say it was solid for the first 2 seasons, but goes off the rails as soon as they go to Ireland and never gets back on. The finale was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Every episode beginning or ending with some montage of all the characters doing stuff set to acoustic guitar music. Jesus Christ.

The Strain
Prison Break
Banshee (s1)

That is what fans wanted all along. To see how the Sons formed and got into the criminal element of selling guns and their rivalries. Mayans is dogshit

>The finale was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
True watching Jax yeet himself into Vic Mackey's truck after he just got done cancelling Juice for attempting suicide is a fitting end to the confused self-contradictinng shitshow the series was by that point.


Alright, the meeting is set. Brown and yellow will be there too. We're keeping black in the dark for now. It's for the best, brothers. Once the pipeline is set, we're moving out of this
*bangs gavel*

It would be piss easy too since it's soft confirmed that SoA and The Shield take place in the same universe so they can draw from either series.

Will it too have bravo kurt cameos of him getting buttfucked in prison?

When you want blind shitposts, you go to Tig. When you want the truth, you come to me

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