Real life kino

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Jabba's Palace looks good these days.

>Zig Forums: The webm

the webm of the norf belly guy bellybumping the other norf guy who stumbles and falls
i need it

I love how even the broken leg fits like its body horror

Delete Britain

Damn Nick Rochefort really went downhill after WP got cancelled

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the pub if time itself had slowed... the giggles of terry & baz became slurred... the confrontation of the century has begun. Souf FC took two massive strides towards norf FC before bouncing forward and slamming his mountainous belly into Norf FC's chest. *boom*. the gods would be proud. Norf FC flies backwards stumbling over himself... all honour and joy has left him. but it gets worse. *crack* ... his back hits the corner of the snooker table. he's going down. *thud* his head smacks against a chair. *wahey* his flailing arm knocks a pint of fosters and a glass of rum n coke all over him. the shame. he gurgles the cocktail of sweat and beverage and desperately tries to get up. Souf FC is victorious once again.

Attached: 1513035921155.webm (288x360, 672.17K)

What baffles me most that its like mid day

I've never literally been there but I can go to a few bars in my town and be there. I love that shit.
Anyone got that webbum of the two guys drinking on a roof? Its sunset and they look like this is their last hurrah after graduation or something so it's just heavy with imminent sadness. Very placeful too, or whatever the word is.

Attached: the US national guard.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

Attached: conductor.gif (240x325, 847.95K)

Damn. Kinos with this feel?

>The little grin she does before turning away

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See, why aren blacks making kinos like this instead of blackwashing all of white history? Granted, those might be actual africans and not softie "yt ppl hurt muh fee fees" from the west """""africans"""""

what anime is this

The small child on the left is the real boss. The old guy pretend to be the boss to protect the real boss.

why didn't he teleport behind him?

You made me look. FUCK.

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this has nothing to do with television or film

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England, 9 am

hehe thanks

Something about bong girls still has remnants of 2006 - 2008 scene girls

No penis no interest

I'm probably related to that girl. She looks exactly like my aunt

The green shirt completely forgot about his girlfriend and turned into a paramedic for the victims. He doesnt even look back when shes wrestling with the guy. Bizarre behavior