ITT we post 80’s movies that are never discussed, or are hidden gems. I’ll start
>Soundtrack done by AC/DC
>Stephen King not being a faggot
>Cool Rigs
80’s Maximum Kino Thread
The only flaw is the mule with the M60 on it.
I've watched this movie at least 50 times
>maximum overdrive
>never discussed
>hidden gem
lolwut? That's one of the most well known horror movies from the 80s.
Remember when this board have good taste in movies? Oh, right, never
agreed but for example
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Maximum Overdrive (1986)
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RoboCop (1987)
Starkino by CarpenterKino
Talking about on this board. Just trying to find some good 80’s kino friend
Speaking of Emilio, this movie made it seem cool to repossess cars
I don't get the ending, can someone explain?
Miracle Mile
It was a spaceship, or something. Then they flew around, to where? Nobody knows, but it suggests they go back in time
I didn't like this movie at all.
Okay. Name a good movie, faggot
My mom tried to get me and my brother to go see this when it came out and we made fun of her.
Make a rec, friend
The Neverending Story.
Remember when the horse died?
Do you regret it?
This movie is god awful unrealistic. I thought it was a masterpiece as a kid though. I can actually remember the tail end of the Cold War too.Its kinda comfy though for some reason.
Repossessing cars don't mean shit to me.
Did your mom have a full bush? It was the 80’s.
I like the soundtrack too.
Rolling Quads for Quiad
I like that this felt like a Michael Mann film but wasn't one. To Live and Die in L.A. felt like that too.
Speaking of Mann, Manhunter is kino
The Boy Who Could Fly
Yeah. We also made fun of her for trying to get us to see Places In the Heart. Those were the only two and I regret them both.
I just watched this recently. I cannot believe Louis Gossett Jr. only got one nomination and didnt even win especially when it was just Saturn. I'd be very interested to know what percent of his vocal performance was done in post-production if even any at all. Much better movie than I remembered.