Holy shit she's twice the size since last season's appearance.
Holy shit she's twice the size since last season's appearance
Absolute unit.
now this is a dangerous woman
She ate all the cake on Alderaan obviously
Imagine being naked in bed and she's just lying ontop of you on a cold winter day making you feel warm and loved ha ha
Shopped but funny, guessing you're a tranny who will never be a woman, OP.
I am both aroused and repulsed
I'm ok with every pound of it.
It's literally just a screenshot user.
she's not "thicc". she's fucking fat.
Season 1 she was a perfect size. She is a bit too chunky now, for a supposed soldier/warrior.
She looks like she's gained around 30lbs since season one.
ha ha
LOL okay, fellow "user" nobody ever photoshopped a screenshot
You have no ovaries. You will never be a real woman. You will never give birth. You cannot create life, you can only take your own, which you inevitably will.
>caring about Star Wars
Fat can be fun. She's not BBW tier yet. She's right on the cusp, her wardrobe barely holding it all together. She's too much woman for her costume, I love it.
And that's a good thing.
what the fuck? i have no intention of being a woman.
>She's not bbw tier yet
Bitch is like 220lbs...at least.
She's 100% bbw tier.
>current year
LOL okay tranny
It looks like she's on a bulk. Her arms and shoulders are getting huge. Yeah she has high body fat, doesn't mean she's a fat fucking tub of shit like your whore mother. Cope. Dilate. Seethe. Rope.
That's too sick of a fetish user seek help
is that a fat suit?
americans, please, leave this board with your fatties
Why are chuds so obsessed with trans people? Are they trying to suppress gender dysphoria or something?
Obsessing with fatties is literally ameritard thing.
She's got to be feeling a little insecure right now about her weight. A little depressed and vulnerable . Time to make my move.
it actually physically hurts my heart to read that, im so lonely
those boobas are getting hefty
Fuck, she looks better than ever. 10/10 would have her sit on my face and smother me to death with her powerful ass.
Dunno, I'm not a CHUD. But why are you trannies so obsessed with Gina Carano?
she put on the covid19 kilos
Shes sad eating because shes depressed trump lost
unff yessss
beep beep boop bop
good luck will come to you only if you post
What would sex with her feel like at this weight? I bet it would get sweaty and lots of heavy breathing from her.
>tfw not fucking her hard until she asks for a break but not giving her a break and fucking her even harder instead just to make her sweatier and her breath heavier, not stopping until she orgasms
All according to keikaku.
Her thighs and ass bigger
Yeah I'm enjoying this episode.
I'm extremely happy with every pound of it!
look at reddit go running another meme into the ground, simply epic
welcome to Zig Forums bros!