Was it really that bad?

Was it really that bad?

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Wasn’t as good as the first I think, but one thing this movie is underrated for is the action. The train chase near the start is unparalleled at least in western animation action direction

seemed fine to me



It was a cartoon, making it bad. It was also capeshit, making it worse. Lastly, it was a sequel, making it awful due to being unable to hold up to the standard set by the first one.

It was garbage.

Villain was obvious and retarded. You could tell it had to be the brother and the sister from the jump

alls i remember is her fat ass

>storyline begging for a time-skip with the kids becoming heroes on their own
>lol no gotta keep them same for marketability, shit something out real quick Pixar, chop chop

Only good about it was the 60's decor and ass.

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This, all the plotlines felt like a retread. Everyone's arc was complete after the first one so they only way to do a new story would be to age them up

Yes, it was real bad, and why I'll never use any element from it in my story

Btw, what did you guys think of chapter 3 of "Spending Mother's Day with Mrs. Parr"

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Yes, it just like the first one but Helen takes Bob’s role instead.

you got any tips for online writing besides tips for shitting up Zig Forums seems really hard to build an audience

i'd tell you if i could read it

be good

Start your post again

Why can't you?

How do you always find shitpost threads to shill your fanfics? Do you make them yourself?

Like the one user said, I liked the action. I think they chose Helen as the main character to do the ass-kicking female counterpart to the first movie, but they really should have just done that with an aged up Violet. I wouldn't have really cared if Elastigirl ever got her "turn", because her turn was just a retread of Bob's story anyway. A college-aged Violet could show the younger generation coming into their own with the new threats they'd be facing. I can't believe of all the stories Bird could have come up with he settled on the one we got.

I read the board and keep an eye out

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he just surfs tv probably, I toyed around with the idea of doing something similar, let's also not forget the threads he actually made a while back

I watched it a week ago and it was pretty good. Of course, Mr incredible didn't have to be a stay at home mom or it could have been a better story. It's not as good as the first but It was alright

Is this the movie where Disney played some chink short film before it started?

First movie is about how bobs thrill seeking behavior is indulgent and destructive, how the family is stronger together, and at the end people are once again inspired to accept superheroes back.
In the sequel we have THE EXACT SAME FUCKING PLOT except Helen is doing the thrill seeking this time. Same twist villain shit about some kid who has a grudge against superheroes, same big final battle at the end where the villain almost escapes at the end but gets BTFO and suddenly people like heroes again.
What did the movie actually accomplish?

It was just bland. It shouldn’t need to be said but Pixar’s best days are well behind them.

Was it really that bad?

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It's not terrible, just didn't live up to the expectations created by the first one. I even believe in the possibility of an incredibles 3, hopefully about the kids aged up and dealing with their hero life.

this begs the question whether it was possible for them to make a sequel.

I mean it's a cape shit sequel. Conceptually it's possible. But any divergence would of been punished, the only safe option was a rehash. Besides who fucking knows where collectively the story should of gone. While you can make engaging plots for any of them individually, I am unsure you can build out another plot as comprehensive. At the least while keeping the light tone

I barely remember anything that happens in it.
First one is overrated too.

You know the 90s kind of sequels we didn't like?
Kind of like Back to the Future 2, where it was just the same plot again, except this time X happens. That's the same thing with Incredibles 2.

This time, Elastigirl is doing the hero work and Bob is with the kids, but it's pretty much the same. I'm pretty sure they even forgot Jack Jack had powers, too.