So cinema is officially dead right?
So cinema is officially dead right?
Youd have to be a pretty shitty owner to let your cat get that fat
"here comes dat chonkers"
Has been for a while.
He's a big cat
imagine that fat fucker getting stuck at 2 am in the morning and whining like crazy
Seeth dyel
And yes, it turns out Hollywood wasn't run on cash but talent. Jewwood was best at recruiting talent, something the DVD rental service netflix hasn't mastered. So it's all collapsed. Turns out the jews were good for something and that was sniffing out good actors. Guess those noses weren't just for show.
We actually had a cat like this in our neighborhood and you would wake up at 4am to the sound of some bell as it was trying to squirm out the catdoor with a bowl of my cat's food in it. It would still get away just before I could grab it.
Is this how fat Garfield was supposed to be?
Pandemic + racial/SJW pandering + dumb types assuming their opinions matter and ranting on twitter etc are all diseases. They limit the potential of culture and human expression. This too shall pass.
fucking kek
"we have acquired electricity" gets me every time
Why do humans let this happen?
That poor fucking cat.
You must be one hell of a fat slob yourself
Did he died?
ruskis are based (and cute)
I can't tell all that well because of the resolution, but... did the cat get shocked by the power lines?
Yes obviously
hop that lil nibba is okay :(
>I'll show you a trick
>*glass breaking*
sure. blame the generous providers and not the fatty with no self restraint
that guy must be a fucking manlet wtf
Well, at the time no
One of the most based cats to live
>i just licked my own asshole. How do you like that, little Donnie?
the year without movies has been peaceful
I think it's a liger (lion + tiger) they are massive
>average height of a lion is 4ft at the shoulder
yes but its fine. the cat run away. electrocution kills when the current hits vital organs. in case of that cat the electricity only hits its paws.
Is this a kitten or a 90 year old cat?