Zig Forums operators is this accurate at all? looks goofy as fuck

Zig Forums operators is this accurate at all? looks goofy as fuck

Attached: 1587671713988.webm (720x486, 2.52M)

You always hit civis in these situations, idc how good you are.

You can see then in line walking forward but no one from their looking through the window or making sure it's clear.
They always look forward and not cover the whole are like they have a stiff neck.

Tacticool porn aka shit that will never happen

Yeah it's accurate.
t.No experience officially, just hard af m8.

trying to read this gave me an aneurysm.

>line up one good shot with an awp
>kill all of them with one shot

Pretty much. That's how we did it when I captured Osama.

Thank you for your service o7

Great series, great ending.

what is this from?