Will they have the balls to retcon the SW saga and ignore the new trilogy? They know they fucked up big time after all

Will they have the balls to retcon the SW saga and ignore the new trilogy? They know they fucked up big time after all.

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the last episode was a set-up for snoke-like beings, so no.

That shit could have been anything.

its not snoke, but its setting up the tech to show how he was made.
Favreau also said at some point they will explore the beginnings of the first order.

It's set before the sequels they can do whatever they want you based retard

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nah. even this series has huge disney retardation from the forced baby yoda scenes to the characters having rebels tier plot armour

They weren't Snokes, they were Sneeds


they still have to explain how all these imperial remnant factions are going to be crushed in less than three years
name a sw tv show where they don't have ridiculous plot armor

both clone wars did a good job with that. here its like all of mandos friends and him are invulerable against anything lesser than a krayt dragon and even then named characters arent hurt by anything

I'd really like to see the return of Thrawn in some capacity and/or the Chiss Ascendancy, especially since we know we're getting Ahsoka and rumors of Sabine Wren. It would tie in well, given their search for Ezra and Mando trying to find a Jedi.

> Clones
> Look look clones are a Snoke reference!!
> 2 animation shows literally called the clone wars and a movie called the attack of the clones exist
> Ahsoka, the protagonist of one of those shows is confirmed for the mandalorian
> But the clones are a reference to SNOKEEEEEEEEEEE!!

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I mean in this case they're building force sensitive clones using jedi blood, it's different.

why are you all faggots talking about CLONES?
was the word "CLONE" uttered even ONCE in this show?

What the fuck are those spaces doing after your memearrows

>both clone wars did a good job with that
In what way? Most of the good guys that die are nameless clones. All the main characters survive

you son of a bitch
Also, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka CONSTANTLY get into troubles and got fucked so many times, you can easily lose count. And many many other characters, like Padme, and other Jedi. In The Mandalorian, specifically in season 2 so far, it is just ridiculous how retarded Imperials are. They are absolute non-threat. That was especially ridiculous in the last episode. I could forgive Bo-Katan slaughtering with ease, they are seasoned war veterans and such. But that chubby Gina Carano, old man, and comic relief have no excuse not getting hit once while single-handedly btfoing an entire military base.

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Chubby mommy Carano is an ex Rebel Drop trooper, aka pretty much an elite fighter.
That bein said, yes, the storm troopers are even more retarded now than in the OT.

the end of the last episode, with the black armor for clones lined up, just need more Yoda blood

Because the onions boy doctor in the first season who was experimenting on Yeed had a Kamino clone facility uniform on, symbol and all.

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Why didnt they just clone baby yeed with the samples they got in the end of the second episode?

My initial thought was Dark Empire.

Listen to the soundtrack, dummies.

the research is to use force sensitive blood to inject into people and make them force sensitive, not clone a force sensitive whose clones may not even retain that trait

There's like a four year gap of absolutely nothing from OT to Sequels, and if you consider those retarded books canon, the FO only appeared after like 30 years and took the republic down in one day.

This series could go on forever, and it would not touch the sequels. They can do everything

>an entire military base
A military base running on a skeleton crew (as literally stated in the episode), working on principles and relying on supplies from an empire that is overthrown, and under command by a shaky command structure that is trying to reinvent itself. All those fuck-ups can easily be caused by that.

the FO starts seeping out into the new republic on the sly to try and seed their future arrival by making half the planets subservient to the idea of their new order they would bring in place of the NR
t. bloodlines book set 6 years before TFA where that is the main plot

>A military base running on a skeleton crew (as literally stated in the episode),
the characters contradict this in the same episode (the base is pulling reinforcements from somewhere and has tie pilots with fighters and scout troopers with bikes available)
Lastly, the storm troopers have an opportunity to reverse the base's explosion and presumably fail? for all we know that "explosion" we saw was a lava geyser or something

There were definitely Snoke or Sheev clones in the latest episode

>the base is pulling reinforcements from somewhere
Probably deeper into the base
>has tie pilots with fighters
There's three TIE fighters parked on the base. These are the three that take off.
> and scout troopers with bikes available
Again, there are bikes parked in the base, the scouts are part of the skelly crew.

Source of the picture?