PREDATOR Reboot In The Works From "10 Cloverfield Lane" Director Dan Trachenberg

>The movie will ignore the 2018 reboot directed by Shane Black in favor of a standalone story set during the American Civil War, following a Comanche woman who goes against gender norms and traditions to become a warrior and face off against the intergalatic hunter who slaughtered her village.

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they should do a tv show instead

you better be making that story up, sounds cringe
what they should do is set it on the predator homeworld after humans stumble upon it, set around the time aliens takes place

OP entirely made up that plot. Anyone taking it seriously should be assumed as OP samefagging.

>OP entirely made up that plot. Anyone taking it seriously should be assumed as OP samefagging.

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Civil War sounds awesome, but we know it's just an excuse to cram a bunch of racist southerners in it.

Why can't we get a Predator movie where the Predators are the protagonists? A movie about a group of Youngbloods going on a mission as a rite of passage would be kino as fuck.

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why is it not a sequel to the predator

Because that was the worst of all the Predator or Alien movies by far


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Why would you call it a reboot? It's just another sequel. This time set in the US Civil War.


"They are keeping the plot line under wraps for the moment"


Even the 2018 wasn't a reboot. Shane Black said it takes place after 2, but before Predators.

>>The movie will ignore the 2018 reboot directed by Shane Black in favor of a standalone story set during the American Civil War, following a Comanche woman who goes against gender norms and traditions to become a warrior and face off against the intergalatic hunter who slaughtered her village.

Is this for fucking real?

Well, we can only go up.


Stay in denial.

OP is a fag, but man would I love a fucking Predator film about civil war soldiers trying to survive one hunting them.

Or Vikings trying to face off against one.


Lmfao holy fuck

>shitting on minority culture to promote feminism
sounds problematic desu


Howd they lose with predators on their side? Haha.

Not even started and it's already shit

The most manly movie ever made, now pozzed too. They couldn't leave it alone.

Fuck this shit will be so fucking gay. Fuck fuck fuck

Are Predators basically the trophy hunters of the predator species? Do regular predators cringe at them?

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It needs a baby predator... Then, people might watch.

read 3 posts above yours, dumbass.

I would unironically watch a movie where predators hunt ISIS or Nazis or imperial Japanese or someone wholly without moral ambiguity.

OP rightly assumed very few people would actually read the article. This board is literally just beta males looking for something to get angry about so they’ll accept literally anything that’s posted in greentext.

>woman who goes against gender norms and traditions
God, I was going to joke that they are going to go full SJW with this one.

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The second movie was the best one.

The source has already been posted. It's real.

Premise sounds promising but will they be Hollywood Comanche or Mel Gibson Comanches?

It's probably the most fun explanation for them. Much better than the cringy Yatjau lore they actually have.