Realistically, how would black female Bond deal with him?

Realistically, how would black female Bond deal with him?

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She'd smoke a fat blunt, forget to go to the poker game and M finds her at the dog track


>A Cosmopolitan, please
>*grabs waiter's arm as he is about to carry out the order*
>5cl Gin, 2cl Cointreau, 2cl fresh pressed lemon juice, go easy on the strawberry syrup. Shaken, not stirred on ice, strained twice.
>*Le Chiffre kills himself due to this power order*

same way, by betting, just a different game.

Go back to reddi*t

Dunno about female black bond but african british bond would beat the ever loving shit outta le chiffre after the game ends,

why does this board have such a boner for this actor? did he said he hates women or something?

He's sexy
I mean I'm neither gay nor a woman, but if I was I would want to get fucked by mads so bad

He plays cool characters and has a great voice

allegedly, he said he didn't care for feminism in a swedish interview

A black female Bond would spend all their time at the MI6 headquarters writing barely literate nonsense about diversity.

I'm from a country where there's virtually no blacks.
Is it too far fetched to imagine one with class and suave outside of hollywood fantasy? Or is it just rasict talk?


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By spouting platitudes before everyone stood up and clapped

Polar was good

bix nood

I like him because he is a great actor and not just another random talentless hollyswoodjew.

End scene fistfight, female black bond is about to loose, every other female black secret agents in the area jumps into the fight.

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>female Bond during the ball torture scene

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>Foxx. Anna Foxx.

By playing craps.

Would he shove dildos up her vagina?

He's a cool guy

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Chiffre would just snip her clit off and stuff shards of broken glass up her disgusting nigger snatch

He played a pedo in a danish movie and now the cunnyfags relate to him

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daddy maddy

She would lose then moan saying stuff like 'WTF, Ya'll are fucking raycist white bois' until they gave her the money, just like all other niggers.

That's sad. Many women suffer from genital mutilation. :(

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MI6's plan in Casino Royale was a horrible idea, just arrest him, investigate, like do not play a hitman against a genius in poker and hope you win lmao


maybe because his country is one of the very few outlets of non shit media?