/BTS/ - Behind the scenes

Post interesting behind the scenes photos of the cast and crew.

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Other urls found in this thread:

gettyimages.co.uk/photos/winona-ryder?family=editorial&phrase=winona ryder&sort=best&specificpeople=1141615#license

Weird. I just watched Commando last night. Great movie. I think I'll watch Cobra tonight.

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did they?

He was a ridiculous villain

the other henchman guy says to Arnie's FACE in the same movie that they will enjoy the extra time having her as their hostage.

Attached: [email protected] (1034x1194, 144.22K)

You JUST know

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its fortunate bennett was gay.

based Jerry


Attached: 34.jpg (3570x2400, 752.19K)

He probably feels her bulge even from behind

Ridiculously based.

Imagine if this photo was taken in-universe and sent to Matrix with a message saying, "Jenny's found herself a new daddy."


Attached: 81uyv7cd2usz.jpg (640x421, 49.31K)

He had sex with a 17 year old. Let that sink in.

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>He's the fucking man
fully sunk

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Don Johnson statutory raped Melanie Griffith when she was 14

David Pirner's a fucking creep. Look how controlling and possessive he is with Winona. Last guy I saw manhandling a young woman like that was Harvey Weinstein.

gettyimages.co.uk/photos/winona-ryder?family=editorial&phrase=winona ryder&sort=best&specificpeople=1141615#license

It's a wholesome flick.

Attached: commando.webm (640x346, 2.39M)

>wears chain mail shirt
>skiny fat doesn't even look strong like Arnold
>does nothing the entire movie
Wtf were they thinking

she looks like a child

That opening sequence is madness

Attached: oh hallo bambi.gif (450x244, 1.59M)

she was defo getting banged by arnie and the others, the intro is pure pedo kino

I believe she was yeah.

Attached: commando hiking.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>wears chain mail shirt
It was actually wool.

Why does he only have 4 fingers on his left hand?

he must have, right brehs?

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Guess it's just the way he positioned his finger.

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