Why do people care so much about the opinions of actors?

Why do people care so much about the opinions of actors?

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I want to live on international waters


Then do i have the real estate for you

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Another thing Takei and Burton have in common is their faggotry.

>millionaire handegg player refuses to do his job
What a hero.

People watch shit because of actors. Story, setting and characters are secondary to seeing a recognizable face to clap to.

You tell us. You're the one who saved that image and is thinking about it

had to unfollow levar even before this it got so bad

How is Kyle Rittenhouse a terrorist?

Why can't both be regarded as heroes? Colin exercised his right to protest and Kyle defended himself.

He should have let the jewish child-molester shoot him.


>continuing to ignore the murder rate of black thugs
This is why I will never listen to them.

>exercising your constitutional rights now makes you a terrorist

literally who are those people

I wish I were levar burton

The journalist said that guns are bad and scary.

We don't. That doesn't stop them. Hollywood is a centrally controlled joke.

Ok chud

didnt go to another state with a gun?
i dont know anything about that just that he shot some pedo

Some of these young politicians hate the constitution and want it gone.

lmao I've got great news for these two, they're already living there!
Fuck leftists and fuck activist actors

He kneeled in protest. He did his job. The kneeling was a suggestion from a fucking veteran.

>I want a massive faggot to be seen as a hero
putin just blast america right now please

Moving across state lines doesn't mean your constitutional rights suddenly stop existing, it's not like a black guy can cross the border into Mississippi and suddenly it's legal to put him in chains and make him start picking cotton.


Shame about Burton.

George Takei was Sulu in the original Star Trek from the 70s or whatever. Levar Burton was Geordi in Star Trek the Next Generation (blind black guy with the visor in Engineering.) He also did the hosting on Reading Rainbow a bunch.

I live in a world where Colin Kaepernick is a worthless nigger and Kyle Rittenhouse was a retard to be in Kenosha but righteous for killing worthless trash people.

He dared to stand up to the lefty pedophiles that were trying to kill him and destroy a city

>He kneeled in protest
He kneeled in protest of getting benched and then latter made up some bullshit about oppression.

>got defend business
>put fires down
>offer medical help
>3 pedophiles shoot at you
>you shoot back
>you're now a terrorist
what a world to live in