Movie Poster Thread

Only good movie posters, no floating heads
>does not need to be a '''good'' film

Attached: xg3gubor6rz51.jpg (800x1185, 172.31K)

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Attached: 1517416637683.png (725x1025, 610.18K)

It's a nice looking poster but a bad "The Thing" poster

kink except for the title font

KINO damnit

Better than any of the "official" Mad Max posters.

Attached: CAPF8OrWcAAo_pU.jpg (918x1200, 133.05K)

Can't read the text, it's shit
Plebbit-tier trash

Attached: Joker_ToddPhillips.jpg (899x1350, 256.6K)

the film happens at night tho

Attached: TrumanShow.jpg (564x846, 40.53K)