Still don't believe me?

>still don't believe me?
>how about you come, and see, the atrocities of this conflict?

Attached: come-and-see-restoration-a.jpg (1470x980, 258.54K)

millie bobby brown?

Clancy Brown lookin' fine in the background

Oh for fuck’s sake russian state sponsored user, would you stop posting that shit movie. We all know russians suffered a lot, but so did american farmers, germans, whose young virgins girls you raped by the way.

me on the right

As one russian user once said. If you could time travel, where would you go? He said, Berlin 1945. There were a lot of virign german girls willing to fuck for chocolate and in the first days you could just rape them without consequences.

We should have kept rolling right through Moscow but they had Patton killed because he figured out commie Jews and filthy Anglos were behind the war.


At last, I have came and saw

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America would lose the war though.

>noooooo you can't just kill my familirinooo you fucking nazis

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>I'm already getting nostalgic for the Come and See shitposting

epic man, simply epic

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who IS this guy?

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OneyNG of newgrounds.

The way his clothes look like a dark sheet up to his neck and the guy standing behind him always made me imagine this shot as him sitting at the barber's.

>barber spins you towards the mirror
>to reveal he's fucked your life up for the next month or so

kek, someone needs to edit the picture

holy shit

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what is this from?

potential just fuck my shit up edit

its david lynch

come and sneed

i laugh my ass off every time i see this fucking face

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I hate it. I wish I could never see his fucking face again

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>Why don't you just come and sneed?