Why didn't Bilbo inform him that his cash technically had zero value?
Why didn't Bilbo inform him that his cash technically had zero value?
smaug just wanted to stop inflation
Because if that was actually true Bilbo wouldn't be there to steal shit and Smaug would think he was a retard
>Oh wise and majestic Smaug, I implore you as a Chartered Accountant to liquidate 30% of your luxury jewels and re-invest them in capital producing businesses. Inflation is slowly eroding the value of your majesties gold and precious stones, you would be wise to speak to a merchant elf about diversifying your current holdings, perhaps establishing a joint venture with the mining orcs who mine themselves from goo or someshit.
It has zero value for Smaug. If you have a vast amount of coins just sitting there and never being spent, then you actually have a vast amount of nothing.
Guess he just has a gold fetish.
Wrong you have a vast amount of coins.
A coin that is never spent is not a coin, it's just a worthless round piece of gold.
Yeah and dragons like gold.
He was obviously creating inflated value by restricting supply similar to the DeBeers diamond cartel
I know that, and what he has is a vast amount of gold, but if he hoards it from the world and never spends it, then it's about as worthless as plastic.
Smaug is an evil wicked dragon, a creation of Morgoth, and as Morgoth can only create corrupted facsimiles of Eru's creation, a dragon's insatiable greed exists for the express purposes of hoarding so that he has and others have not. If a dragon were so inclined, he would hoard all the edible foodstuffs in the world and not eat any of it simply so that all lifeforms on the planet would starve to death.
t. proudfeetstein
is your tv worthless? Is your computer worthless? I mean by your logic if you arent going to spend it then it's absolutely worthless.
commie mindset, hoarding wealth isn't despicable, it's based
It has the most unsurmountable value to Smaug. It's price may be worth nothing because it's out of the market, but he's the one that would offer the most for it, and that is, our own lives.
Yes, now you're getting the logic.
>is your tv worthless? Is your computer worthless?
If I never use them and just hide them under my bed forever, then yes, they are worthless.
haha what if a dragoness hoarded all human cum haha
You have nothing with no coins at all.
>Not realizing that Smaug planned to flood the market with his wealth and crash Middle Earth's economy so Sauron could lend at high interest
You gotta spend it to earn it. That was Smaug's downfall.
why didn't they fly the eagles to epstein's island ?
>it's a commie mindset to invest in capital for returning gains
No? Investing in capital for more financial power and income is pretty much a hallmark of capitalism. Dumbass.
The eagles didn't give a fuck.
So if you enjoy it then it is actually of value?
How many of you nerds actually have finance degrees?
What if the world switched to a different currency instead of gold coins?
how many of you nerds actually have philosophy degrees?
What if? What if Smaug or even Sauron just cut the whole Dark Lord bullshit and decided to just invest in central banking and slowly utilize the fact that he's immortal to slowly buy up all the human assets and establish an economic system where he perpetually inflates the buying power away of the people while also loaning them the money and charging interest to actually exist in the inflated economy he created thus slowly gaining control over them and condemning them to his service indirectly?
Emotional value. But the same thing can be said of those mentally ill people on hoarders which brings it full circle because it's a dragons hoard.
Insofar as your own personal enjoyment goes, I suppose. But it has no external value outside of your own immediate gratification.
How much interest did he accrue?
You don’t even understand the most basic aspects of the shitty system you’re in favour of
how many of you nerds have a spiritual dance degree.
A coin that is never spent, is literally just an unspent coin.
That wouldn't change the fact that investing value to create more value is a hallmark of capitalism.
smaug got in before the bankers stopped backing currency with gold
How much interest is the coins between my sofa cushions accruing?
The (((Elves))) would place tariffs on Mordor and strangle his economy
so same thing as any physical possession that provides entertainment?
Except all the times they did give a fuck
Hoarding something makes it harder to find, then it will have higher value because of scarcity. He’s creating a gold drought and going to profit.
t. hornberg
they owed gandalf
Why didn't they just melt the gold
I don't think dragons actually care about the monetary value of gold.
Tolkien's mind was really in the gutter. Unable to see the bigger picture.
Don't really think smaug was entertained by the coins. Never really did anything with them.
Gondor and Rohan didn't need to waste a bunch of lives when they could've just had an embargo war with Mordor and run their traders out of Osgiliath with economic underhandedness.
If you use the possession as it was intended, then it has value, but there's no value in a laptop that is never switched on or a TV that is never watched.
Unless you simply enjoy looking at them, which is basically what Smaug is doing with his coin collection.
The Eagles never gave a single shit about anything. They only hated goblins and genocided them for fun.
Room temperature IQ number.
What’s your interest rate?
>dragons keep gold because muh money
If the people switched to paper and cards I'm sure he would care.
why was everyone obsessed about gold when the only trade good mentioned in the entire series is shire weed
yes, it is a gold fetish. Dragons have an urge to hoard gold. Not spend it. Just like you have an urge to jerk off to women you will never touch.
zero value? he could exchange his gold for anything he wanted
Smaug only cared for that cristal that Thorin wanted.
Smaug was a jew, he wanted all the fucking wealth around him.
smaug didn't give a shit about it, he was just mad that they stole something from his hoard. bilbo could have taken a single coin and smaug would still nuke them
How is he ever going to profit from his hoarding when he outright stated he had no plans on sharing it with anyone?
the coins had value to smaug because he like it just like the painting on my wall has value because i like it.
why didn't they just build a casino so that smaug's greed would lead to his downfall?
Bilbo did steal a cup in the book and the dragon got super pissed, so pissed he started doing laps across the mountain so the dwarves sealed themselves in the tunnel. When Bilbo came down to steal something else, the dragon nigger was watching and started to ask questions to fuck with him. When he's tired he goes out and kill their ponies and go burn the whole fucking town.
All of this for a fucking random cup on the ground.
Are you retarded? He could buy half of middle earth with that treasure.
Sentimental value, yes, but we're talking about monetary value.
why didn’t they keep feeding Smaug until he gets so fat he gets stuck and dies?
>itt literal retards arguing why a dragon would want treasure
precious metals have higher transference rates of heat. smaug was in hibernation for 171 years, having literally never left the mountain during this time even for food.
The treasure allows him to both radiate heat out and in to regulate his body for his long sleep cycles so he doesn't die when it's cold nor warm up too much so it breaks the cycle.
fuck off newfags.
so what was aragorns fiscal policy in regards to all the smaug money causing rampant hyperinflation?
The eagles literally were given the post of watching over the world by Manwe.
I fucking love science! bazinga
Value is value. All the gold and gems have value to Smaug. Its the price that was worthless, although the fact that he watched it did increase the price. One coin is as valuable as the fucking town he destroyed.
> Not spend it.
Well exactly what would a Dragon spend hos gold on?
but your post was 5Head bazinga keanu chungus 100%
>Fucking mountain of gold
>universally accepted as currency in the whole continent
>haha you're poor, dragon
>smaug was in hibernation for 171 years, having literally never left the mountain during this time even for food.
The nigger went out whenever he pleased, he was just lazy. That's why the people built the town in the middle of an abyssal lake. so the nigger drowned if he came to attack and got shot down. Apparently the dragon is a fire elemental and doesn't like to fly, again a lazy nigger.
The new iphone
>If you have a vast amount of gold, you have a vast amount of nothing
literal retard
>i have a pallet of $100 bills in my basement
>no, i'm never ever going to spend a single dollar
>no, you're not allowed to buy it off me for more than it's worth
Yeah, I'm really rich.
Whats stopping him from just taking it?
That's incredibly antisemitic, be careful