Did you bully her,bros?
Did you bully her,bros?
Glownigga thread
Literally who?
>last name's Lynch
From Haiti With AIDS
>she plays a Bond sidekick
>not Bond, but another 00
>media goes apeshit with joy
>wrongly calls her the next James Bond
>fans and audiences are pissed off
>she gets the blame
This is why I hate the media.
This is just a set up so when her first foray as bond bombs, they can blame it on the “trolls who’ve been bullying her since her announcement was made”
who are the fucking losers that would bother giving a shit --- let alone even watching --- the recent bond movies?
She is not playing bond.
This is nothing compared to the abuse Craig got when he got the part.
Oh please.
This is just the same shit they've been doing forever on the corporate left.
Say you've been abused because you're a part of X group, in an attempt to sure up ticket sales from morons who want to virtue-signal. It never works, and it's easy as hell to see through.
Ghostbusters 2016 is a great example.
If they're using that tactic already, then they know it's going to bomb already.
no idea, brb gonna start a mad men thread
Who the fuck cares, same difference
>The name is bond
*smacks lips*
>LaTonya Bond
been lynched bb
There was more fuss about Craig being blonde and jacked when he took over the role.
You are either a shill or a retard. She is playing a side character who only gets the codename because the story takes place after James Bond retires. Like US social security, MI6 reuses numbers. She will be a minor supporting character, have a few scenes showing off how strong and independent she is, the shithead writers will probably have Bond make a pass or flirt with her only to be shot down because she is a bull dyke or something, and by the end of the movie she will probably be dead if not she certainly won't be in another Bond film. So no it's not the same difference you illiterate fat
They're replacing whitey with darky, as per usual. To pretend like this is anything other than some gay ass irl political statement is downright stupid and dishonest.
t. illiterate double nigger
Why would anyone bother? Since Moonraker, all Bond flicks have been increasingly cringey and gay. I can't understand why anyone would watch this shit anymore, let alone get angry at a negress for starring in it.
Why don't these faggots ever send hate mail to the CEOs and producers instead?
Is anyone just exhausted of hearing them fucking complain and complain and complain. Why doesn’t she click her heels three times and go back to Africa.
No, I'm gonna do something so much worse. I won't see the film.
why is everyone in hollywood such crybabies
I would like her to turn out a traitor or something, just to spit in face of sjw shitheads.
boomer ip. who literally gives a shit?
>hey guys look, i saw some other 4channelers use the word "glownigga" I should use it too so everybody will think I'm cool!!
is Zig Forums the most reddit board? Most of you clearly don't belong at all
Why would I "bully" her when that's the job of Buzzfeed employees to shitpost on here anonymously for the sole purpose of manufacturing their own headlines. Fuck off.
Oh look, it's another instance of "we make a retarded #woke decision and now pretend to be le victims with fake """"abuse""" in order to generate sympathy, recognition, attention and use it as a shield for any and all criticism" episode.
This 100%
They do this with every Woke movie now.
So is it guaranteed she won't fucking die?
What's the point of watching the movie if they spoiling shit like this?
"Le sad victim" :(