My normie roommate just forced me to watch this clip because it was "bone chilling." Why do people insist on doing this?
My normie roommate just forced me to watch this clip because it was "bone chilling." Why do people insist on doing this?
Because they're fags with mush brains. Why do you insist on sharing this shit here with us, fag?
fucking jesus do people actually watch this
literally indian joker tier
Why did you make me watch that OP you fucking asshole.
Because I'm a twisted psychopath.
Anyone that shills DC tv shows is a estrogen overloaded retard
Absolutely bone chilling
absolutely embarassing
Don't chastise OP for sharing these things, they're entertaining.
Hey it's the jedi kid from that star wars game they made last year
Thanks OP, that chilled my bones
when is bollywood getting this street shitter a movie?
I don’t remember it being that bad
OP and OP's friend are both faggots and he was trying to signal that he wanted to suck your dick by sending you that gay shit.
Cut his toes off when he's sleeping and then ask him if he's reconsidered what bone chilling means.
This actually checks out.
Sorry OP, looks like you're LGBT now.
Gotham was a good TV show overall but I always found this guy to be top cringe
no it wasnt
I know some people like to shit on Ledger to be contrarian, or shit on Phoenix for adding to much unnecessary bullshit, but god damn at least them and Hammil and even Nicholas all can tap into an important core of the character.
This shit is just a fag trying and failing to say some stuff in a menacing voice and then laughing like an idiot. Good god I think the damaged tattoo joker faggot was probably more in tune with the joker than this
>human reaches out to another to show something that moved them emotionally
>why do people insist on doing this?
you dont have to like him or the clip but is it really difficult to see why he would do this? op im sure its hard for you to empathize (autism) but most people would feel the exact same way you do if you were to show them some random clip from a show or movie you like that isnt intentionally comedic.
and no i didnt watch the clip because its fucking capeshit which is destined to be entirely clumsy and uninspired as part of a movie or series.
Also I was clearly referring to that time the golfer did a Joker impression, I didn't fuck up trying to say Nicholson
Is this a community college production?
my sister tries to make me watch pozzed Netflix propaganda shows and I was tell her Im busy and will try but never do it.
Yesterday she recommend me that female chess crap.
Cringy mostly because it lacks its own identity. IT basically felt like if you took one of Ledger's origin stories and developed the character around it and and its intonations.
thats based but only because of ayylmaofu
That one's not too pozzed thankfully.
god. idk where tf this is from but this guy looks so much like me when i.... let's just say... "go off the deep end" >.> when my psycho mode is unleashed...
no they're not
wow, wasn't expecting this to be this much of a cringe. It's like one of those obnoxious fags you'd meet in bars even years after TDK came out and they got drunk and tried to do their Ledger's Joker impressions