You gotta admit he’s in the top 5 directors of all time
You gotta admit he’s in the top 5 directors of all time
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No, but he's very skilled and rarely makes a technical fuckup.
I ain't gotta admit shit.
For the record he's a third rate Nolan/Scott clone.
He’s made twice the kino Nolan has and started earlier what the fuck are you talking about
He is not even in top 10 directors alive.
He’s one of my favorites, for sure. I appreciate his truly autistic attention to editing and the technical aspects. His CGI is subtle and never looks cringe to me also. The man knows what he wants to do going into a project. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that all of his movies are great but at his best, there’s just about no one better at his craft in the modern age.
He's great from a technical standpoint and his early work is so great, but he has the same autsic cold feeling for people that Malian has. His performances or so stale. Also his method of directing of trying to emulate Kubric in the never ending takes bit just makes his actors cold and not broken down and in the moment.
Literally thought this was Rian Johnson for a sec
But yes he's very good
Fincher is arguably top 5 working right now, but all time? Nah.
Top 20
Cringe. Watch more. Less American preferably.
OP here, I meant to type top 500, my bad guys
>t. Taxi Driver
in the top 5 best american directors of his generation, max
Even without Scorsese you can get 10 better directors without trying too much.
Nah, he peaked with "Fight Club".
He's a great director, but a very mediocre filmmaker.
He's a music video director that relies on CG blood and ham fisted suspense.
Definitely top 5 American
1. Steven Spielberg
2. Martin Scorsese
3. David Fincher
4. Christopher Nolan
5. ?
Don't know who should be the last one. I was thinking of Welles, Kubrick, Brian De Palma or Coppola. Ranked by preference
Atrocious list. Nolan is fucking garbage, so is Spielberg. Are you 15 and never seen a good film in your life?
>dude, dont have a nice home, and loyal wife. Instead cheat and beat yourself and others up
bravo finchy
Spielberg is objectively the best filmmaker. You're gonna have to explain how he's garbage.
You got me. Honest mistake.
If we're talking in terms of success it's not bait. I could throw around Malick, Lynch, Kazan, to name a few but they weren't as "big" as the others.
if we are going by succes you can put Bay up there
>objectively the best filmmaker
Muh sentimentality, muh sad music all the time, muh late career is full of garbage and propaganda
Success doesn't determine greatness, retard.
Yeah I could put Cameron as well but when I'm talking about success I'm still throwing in my opinions.
Agreed on some but not all of his late career. You need stronger points than that. They're not in depth enough to be viable criticisms. Success determines greatness in the entertainment industry.
he looks like a ventriloquist puppet that's come to life
Each one of his serious films has numerous problems. Maybe Indiana Jones is his only great work. He is melodramatic and saccharine in all the bad ways. He is a sell out hack. There is 0 argument for him or Nolan being there.
>Success determines greatness in the entertainment industry
Then where do you have Cameron and Russo brothers in your ranking? Kek. Such a non argument. The list asinine at best.
>gives up on one of his best works in recent memory to make some smug black and white shitty audio Netflix film
Yeah, no.