Racist old white man edition.
Dead thread
/who/ doctor who general
Sorry sweeties but Dr Who is fucking garbage and you're a cringy retard if you like it
Real thread here
Nah, incorrect OP.
Every multi doctor episode is a ratings boost
>he thinks dr who fans actually like the show
And I say that as a fan!
I always counted the 10 into 10 regeneration. He dies because he was shot by a dalek. Why wouldn't this count?
based brig
You fags too young to remember what really happened
Retards user, that's why
>all about ‘Do you have a story that’s worth it?’ Unless you’ve got a story that is absolutely informed and invigorated by their presence, just bringing a character back in an ordinary story won’t do.
This a story about a little paki girl living in Birmingham, she has a terrible secret she cannot tell anybody, the secret lies behind a tissue patch she wears on her face, it may or may not be linked to an accident that happened in a train station nearby. This girl who cannot be named, will embark in a glorious adventure, that will transcend space and time.
Why did Moffat only make 1 a sexist in TUAT? Surely he would have been racist to Bill as well following Moffat's logic?
I watched it live, he regenerated and sent the remaining regeneration energy which would have changed him into his hand. This used up a regeneration wether you like it or not
I search who/ when looking for the thread, but it has to have the full title for it to be this thread
>This used up a regeneration wether you like it or not
Is there any question of this? It's stated in DoTD that it still counts as a regeneration.
An user in the previous thread said that no one counted it before Moffat, but only idiots didn't
>alien from another planet possibly hundreds of years old and wiser beyond our means of comprehension who happened to inhabit the 1960s earth for a brief period just has to encompass all the prejudices of that said era because well, just because
Capaldi and Eccleston are the only nuwho doctors that feel like real characters. The others just feel like a collection of quirks
It was totally unclear
Until january of 2013 when in an OG spoiler thread, the informant said it counted and he used the word vanity, that was exactly what smith said on screen
Pertwee looks retarded
It was very clear
How long before BF uses young Hartnell on the cover for their The First Doctor Begins: Volume 1?
Yet he had to beat off the pussy with a stick.
by pussy you mean brit chavs from the 70s, probably, any fag on tv got hyped
the PDA books used TOM as RASPUTIN on a COVER
You type like a paki.
He married prime Sara Kingdom (Jean Marsh)
God she was sexy. Still is tbqh.
Imagine how kino their children's noses would have been.
I clearly remember normies discussing whether the 12 regenerations limit would even be retained or just dismissed. hell, in the beginning the 12 limit was put off by Holmes out of nowhere, just like the Morbius Doctors or the half-human. it was more or less a general consensus that made it unqustionable canon. but in NuWho the showrunner has Godpowers over the canon, and even more at that time most normies would have easily accepted the 12 limit being dismissed just like they accepted "muh Rose" and the War Doctor.