Why won't Hollywood cast an attractive Asian woman for a main role?
Why won't Hollywood cast an attractive Asian woman for a main role?
Because there are no attractive Asians?
Her sistar was hottar
Because insects are a plague
How long until that one dude posts the creature from the black lagoon
they have to adjust it so that they don't over power the white lead, and since ridley isn't that attractive, they had to make the asian even less
Because there's only one and she's probably busy.
She looks like the sort of girl I would fuck when I was drunk at the height of my yellow fever.
I need to be swallowed by her vagina and admire the interior first
Because you will touch yourself to them, you filthy animal
Pic not related
>Her sistar was hottar
her sister was vanilla as fuck.
You know why. Somebody post the image of the old white roasties seething about the cute asian girl on facebook.
you would fuck an Asian Amy Schumer? Dude. There isn't enough sake in the world for that.
She has some big tittys tho
Would you rather eat vanilla or dog shit?
I thought that was an attractive asian by asian standards
>The virgin Rose vs the stacy Paige
Ryan surely tried to make her uglier with the unbecoming hairstyle, how is that not racist?
Post her titties
They didn't even want Kelly Marie Tran in their merchandise, she has no shot at a lead role in a major motion picture.
Seething or not they're all right desu
ok sandra
>men compete by trying to be better than each other through constant self-improvement
>women compete by trying to undermine each other so they don't have to do anything hard
why do we let women vote again?
The Jew unironically fears the Samurai
I have sensed a rising undercurrent of animosity towards Asian women from white women and, to a lesser extent, women of other races.
It may be related to that.
I’ve sensed animosity towards Asians in general