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What about my cock?


What's the final verdict on Smaug? Great movie dragon or cringe?

not even a dragon its a fucking wyvern

The only interesting part of the hobbit trilogy.

french dub of him was kino

Pretty good until he stood up and started flopping around like a turkey in a pointless extended slapstick scene.

Wyvern cringe

Its how they chose to presented him. they build him up in the 2nd movie just to have the 3rd movie kill him off in the first 5 mins.

this is the true reason why i think hobbit films are looked down upon weather people know it or not.

Smaug was cool, he was probably the only legitimately good original thing in the whole trilogy. Desolation sucked because of the GoPro chase scene and the made-up interspieces Elf/Dwarf love triangle.

unironically neck yourself

fuck off wyvern faggot peter jackson fucking nigger

Why is Hollywood so afraid of six limbed dragons?

Attached: smaug_deltoro.jpg (934x602, 173.09K)

One of the better representations of a sentient monster as a character, very convincingly animated. Easily the best part of the trilogy.


Not a patch on the 45 year old cheaply animated TV movie for kids Smaug, who was actually intimidating and powerful. MCU era movies are the lowest possible trash.

never felt a vagina

The fact that they are so extremely against it makes me think there is a conspiracy
Like some noname kingdom 1400 years ago had a 4 legged dragon as their banner and they fought a war against kazhars or something

never spent a day without feeling a vagina

People like to throw Jackson under the bus, but it was Del Taco flaking out that caused the project to be a complete shit show.

That's bullshit but I believe it

>Easily the best part of the trilogy.
that's not saying very much

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Wyverns are dragons, dicksucker.

If wyverns are dragons then chimps are people

six limbed dragons = white people, wyverns = diversity

based Wales

based sneed poster

Delet this

hot take
Desolation of Smaug is the worse in the trilogy. It even ends on a faggot Ed Sheeran song.
Battle of the Five Armies is at least pure schlock fun

Wyverns are dragons.
Humans are primates.

This seems like the final redpill but what kingdom are you actually talking about?

I haven't even seen the Hobbit, should I see any of the new movies?

I agree. Plus Desolation of Smaug also had the most stuff that wasn't in the book

>It even ends on a faggot Ed Sheeran song.
I had purged that from my memory, who the fuck thought that was a good idea for a classic fantasy story?
