Now that the dust has settled. Did it predict the corona pandemic of 2020?

Now that the dust has settled. Did it predict the corona pandemic of 2020?
Did W.W. do anything wrong?

Attached: utopia.jpg (1000x1500, 120.87K)

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the American version is some of the worst TV I’ve ever seen

British version
>good characters, characters, music and cinematography

US version
>political theater

>30 minutes in
>BLACKED by the blackest, most gorilla nigger they could find

Great show ,great cast, great story. Almost perfect in every way. Needed a good finale though.

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>>good characters, characters, music and cinematography
Only s1. S2 was moffat-level shit. "Muh family." Waste of time and effort.

I still liked Season 2, but yeah it was a bit of a downgrade but the story was still good

The only decent aspects were so lightly touched. Did the original had the sterile thing too?

They're finally streaming the original on Prime.


Watched s1 three or four times now, great show but you could literally completely remove all the 'muh graphic novel' bullshit, it achieves nothing
Also I find it annoying every time how Wilson brings up that the Network are right and the others just blow him off with zero discussion like you wouldn't sit down and talk about it at least

ARE THEY REALLY? This is great news.

I only watched part of the first episode and never came back.


Yeah but be warned, it's a cut down version. Aspect ratio is wrong and they've removed a lot of scenes, such as Arby finding the child in the comic shop in the opening scene, the child running through the lobby during the school shooting, Dugdale considering suicide and many more. Import the bluray or pirate it.


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Mutts law
Also known as Changposting
Really a Mossad Psyop

The remake was one of the worst American remakes I've ever seen. I mean, I haven't seen many American remakes but what a massive downgrade it was.

If you liked the original though, make sure to check out The Third Day. Written by Dennis Kelly, directed by Marc Munden, OST by Cristobal Tapia De Veer, cinematography by Ole Bratt Birkeland and editing from Luke Dunkley and Owen Hulme too. Utopia dream team at it again.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2020-10-14_20-26-19.png (1920x960, 3.35M)

Also featuring an (IMO) career-best performance from Paddy Considine.

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Just didn't pique my interest, even my kino bro recommend it

>I mean, I haven't seen many American remakes but what a massive downgrade it was.
Why have you seen so many american remakes?

I'd say it's worth watching at least until the end of the first episode, if you're not interested by then then fair enough.

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I've never seen anything like Utopia visually. Apparently it was the first TV series filmed in 5K CMY.

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>the American version is some of the worst TV I’ve ever seen
It's crazy the number of shows this applies to.

i loved utopia so i'm glad to hear they got another show but from the trailer it looks worryingly midsommarish, or is it more influenced by wicker man?

I thought Gillian Flynn was a good writer after watching Gone Girl, the Utopia remake wiped out almost all of my respect for her.

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More Wicker Man than Midsommar I'd say, also the show is very self-aware and almost plays with folk- horror conventions at times.

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sounds good, i'll check it out.

The remake has a cameo of the yellow Ortleib bag from the original and it just bummed me out.

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Is there a more redpilled Zig Forums character?

Have you ever sat silently while wastrels behind you get into a fight on the bus?

Attached: mpc-hc64_2020-11-24_20-57-46.png (1920x808, 2.48M)

It's so beautifully shot.

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