What Zig Forums's favorite Star Wars film?
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lol fag
Return of the Jedi
nigger bump for the boys
attack of the clones baby
where my /rotj/ chads at?
I want to do a re-watch of the prequels soon with Clone Wars inbetween II and III but fuck me it's long, is there a list that reduces it to around 50 episodes that I can follow?
Gendywars is the superior Clone Wars, is about 2 hours total and actually has a conclusion that leads directly into ep3
Just skip Jar-Jar episodes and Padme/Senate episodes(if you are not interested in them), and C3PO/R2 episodes. There is a chart from Zig Forums, google it, but many people say this chart is shit, and it's only for the first 5 seasons.
just watch genndywars
imagine voting for a prequel
kino choice
shit taste
You’re all zoomer faggots.
The Battle for Endor
You will die soon enough, grandpa.
Fuck you, I’m 25.
You are literally half way there.
Your mom’s half way down my dick, faggot.
im 25 and i picked rots kys
>Revenge of the Sith winning
All of you zoomers need to stay on reddit.
its the ROgue ONE film
redditors defend their OT
I’m sorry that you’re stuck in the mindset of an edgy 12 year old.
I want some KOTOR movie.
I'm tired of skywalker saga + not-skywalker-sheev-daughter saga.