What movie would you like to see on Netflix in december?
What movie would you like to see on Netflix in december?
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i'd like hard to be a god and stalker to be on netflix
netflix is for retards
Theres too much information in the world so everyone can have confirmation bias of whatever narative they want. We just cant absorb all the information in the world and see what we want.
when there's not a single white person they'll call it "equity"
What blind radical leftist mouth-breathing fag wrote this bullshit? Netflix as a streaming service wants white people in chains FFS.
Sick and fucking tired of disgusting white faces on my Netflix. When is this big "genocide" gonna be done with already?
>of color
fuck this stupid fucking phrase, they're black people. i'm a white person. it's white, it's black, it's hispanic, it's asian, it's native american, it's not fucking "of color"
>noooo not the heckin niggerinos
There's going to be a race war and it's going to be the media's fault.
If they are 13% of the population why do they demand to be seen everywhere
I wish all these shows had crews that were predominantly black people who chose these white actors and they'd become red pilled and call out the fucking media on this garbage
Birth of a Nation
its a fake article you dumbasses
i swear to god you people are so gullible
OP edited the title.
who axed u?
Fake and gay
Why are you lying? Creepy.
because all the constant pandering with "diversity" (forcing blacks everywhere) people and basketball american themselves have negro fatigue. Unless its the next Kang Movie even blacks will not buy into it
I'd like to see me going to sleep and never waking up again.
Netflix movies are primarily produced in the US, the black population of the US is ~13%, why wouldn't there be more white actors than black in Netflix productions ?
Black and white people are POS (people of shade) since neither is a color.
Can actors of color carry a civilization?
>we still see two titles that aren’t black propaganda
>it needs to be zero
Doubt it.
>when there's not a single white person
not gonna fucking happen
the billions of people on earth who arent the much smaller white population are minorities, you racist nazi trumper. indians, asians, blacks, middle easterners, mexicans, all minorities, all under priveleged and must be looked out for. fucking nazi.
Unironically would like to see Stalker on Netflix to see normalfags cry how boring it is.
Make a movie starring African Americans that isn't about racism, and I will watch it, if it is good.
>just go broke to please twitter!!!
Planet of the Apes
Zig Forums is the easiest board to troll
it's also the worst board
I was in Japan last year and didn't see a single african-japanese person on tv
Things have got to change
And yet so believable. It's literally an article that we expect to see.
Fake or not, the fact that people are able to take it at face value without questioning it really puts into perspective how uncontrolled this shit has gotten.
why does that matter
Beasts of No Nation was pretty good honestly.
Yeah, the term itself is kinda racist. It implies that there's only two races, white and the rest.
>favoriting white to black
So real life?