Are you excited for exiled Jedi and joint founder of Leia's rebellion against the empire in Star Wars: The Mandolorian?
Are you excited for exiled Jedi and joint founder of Leia's rebellion against the empire in Star Wars: The Mandolorian?
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Can't wait for the Twilek Healing bath episode where we can see naked Ahsoka with her tight delicious orange cunt and ass fully exposed.
Based Filoni.
Yeah, sure, I am excited for anything to finally fucking happen in this show.
Yes, fucking finally. Best SW girl in live action. Hope they don't ruin it
>inserts his waifu into over a decade of star shit
How did he get away with it?
Ahsoka is a cover for his real waifu - wolves.
He learned from the best. George Lucas.
Her feet are light and nimble. They say that she will never die. She is always jumping out of danger. She spinflips and leaps in light and in shadow and she is a great favorite. She never loses, Ahsoka. She is dancing, dancing. They say that she will never die.
He's basically wookiepedia in human form that people can't seem to get rid of because he used to be George's protege
>Are you excited for--
Based. Thank you Filoni for granting us the gift of Ahsoka.
Based Filloni.
She's not a Jedi and never completed her training. She did not help form the rebel alliance she was one of many spies working for them. Also, Leia did not form the alliance Mon Mothma did.
Uh, ackchyually, she earned a Jedi Knight rank, but she rejected it and the offer to come back to the order, because Mace Windu was a fucking nigger.
So you're saying she is not a Jedi and never became a Knight? I said that.
Anakin was handing back her training braid, he wanted her back as his Padawan, not a Jedi Knight.
Don't post shit you don't understand pleb.
Shouldn't that be a good thing?
But he's also autistically obsessed with his cartoon waifu and inserting wolves into every scene possible (he has a cameo as a pilot in Mando S1 and even his codename is wolf lmao)
I want Rosario to give me snu snu
Ahsoka holds her lightsabers backwards (like a dildo), this pic does not fill me with confidence
>holding toy laserswords wrong
Some of us care about these things
>Filoni directing the episode himself
He'll set her straight, the only thing I'm wondering is how short he'll make her skirt
She wears pants now, but usually with a sheer bodysuit
>Implying having wookiepedia autist is a bad thing for a series made for autists by (originally) autistis.
>I want Rosario to give me snu snu
She's tiny. Just see any pic of her hugging Hayden.
Keira Knightley was 12 in Star Wars
Which scenes were her and which were Hershlag because that's a danger fap right there