Who's the better filmmaker?

Who's the better filmmaker?

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>pleb choice
>pic rel puts kino in your head

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Jordan Peele has only made like two films so its hard to tell.

I'm going with peele due to recency bias


Damn Peele got that fitted doe so im finna go with him

both are bang average and only get recognition because those who give critical assessments are consumed by their white guilt

im not white btw

There’s no competition as there’s actually some really kino moments in Malcolm X despite it being inherently pozzed

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based fofty

Spike Lee no contest. Are his movies retarded and full of ridiculous black schizo shit? Yes. But he’s still an entertaining and dynamic filmmaker. Peele is not on his level. Yeah he only made like 3 movies but Spike Lee’s second movie already showed he was a strong film voice.

Spike, easily.

This is pretty much the only reasonable response. I don't know if OP expected all the raving Peele fans on this board to present an argument for his side or what.

Spike Lee is black?

Spike by a country mile. I don’t think Peele has a no nonsense kino like Inside Man in him.

Peele isn't half the tryhard LARPer that Spike is

Wouldn't know, I don't watch tv/movies made by/with black "people" in them

there are no negroes on 4channel

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My favorite movie of Lees was the one where everything is somehow my fault, I think it proved hes way better than Peele whos movie was just about how everything is somehow my fault.

All I know is if it wasn't for either of them, I'd have never learned how everything is my fault, and that's just unacceptable.

A white guy

50 just wanted to make some action movies, not preach at you like a woman.


making movies about blacks is like making movies about dinosaurs.

Based on box office per production dollar they are both good value.

Do The Right Thing is the only good film either of them has made

Spike, because at least he has variety. Peele looks like he's only going to make movies about "white people scary n shieet". Spike Lee's wife is lightskinned black, and Jordan Peele's wife is Jewish, simple as.

Wait... Spike Jones is black???

Wait... Jordan Peele is black???

Spike Lee made two good films.
The other guy did not.

Why'd you post the same guy twice?

Peele is a hack who had one good idea. Us was a convoluted mess. And look at all the shit he's slapping his name on as a producer. So, comparing him to Lee is an insult. Who else would have made Bamboozled and casted Michael Rapaport as himself?

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Spike Lee is much better, but Peele is a complete hack so thats not saying much.