I need inspiration for my screenplay about a shitty person. What is the worst thing you've ever done, Zig Forums?

I need inspiration for my screenplay about a shitty person. What is the worst thing you've ever done, Zig Forums?

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I called my dad bald

walked into walmart w/o a mask

made my gf pee herself

I simped. It was disgusting.

Responded to your thread

I once put a poop in the clothes dryer in the laundry room at college.

pulled some funny pranks

beat up a homeless man

I lost my virginity to and took the virginity of a girl with down syndrome, i was 14 and she was 19

I took a shit in a house still under construction near my house

assumed my kid was male

let my pet dog starve to death

Forgetfag. On the floor I might add

I turned a guy off a ladder whilst he was four storeys up. He shattered both ankles and ended up losing a foot. I'm not going to lie, it felt good.

I handcuffed my wife to the hitch of my truck as a joke. We were just playing around and I made a joke like "Haha okay honey i'm gonna go make dinner." I pretended to go inside and accidentally got sidetracked and forgot about her. When I woke up the next day, she had been ripped apart by wolves. When the cops came I left out the part about the handcuffs and just said she had been attacked by hungry wolves. This is the first time I have told anyone this.

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You're actually the most stupid scumbag. Fuck like

So who was in wrong here?

Not sure if based and or redpilled

I got drunk, burglarized a house, stole thong panties, left, got home, smoked weed, and masturbated to BBC/interracial white extinction porn. Not even meeming.

I could see spirits fly around me, and being inside someones expensive villa was the biggest rush ever. It was like mainlining cocaine and heroin, it was such a fucking rush, and I peaked the door ways like I was playing retro game called Thief. Fucking intense!!!!

got the courts go after my dad for torrenting The Conjuring 2. I paid them off before he found out, tho.

Sounds American enough to be true

Killed a mom cat and her kittens by throwing them in a garbage can. I've already been punished for it.

added to my filtered trip list, seeya!

you went to kitty jail for life?

Cats have sabotaged my life.

Worst thing I've ever done was steal a sticker in my grade school class. Never stole anything again in my life. You guys are degenerates.

I used to be a total scumbag. I once pushed a 70 year old man into a canal for no good reason. I stood there laughing watching him trying to climb out of it, but he couldn't. I eventually run away and left him in the water when someone came along. I've also been part of an organized burglary of a church. I did some pretty terrible things when I was younger.

I've shoplifted/stolen and killed my pets when I was younger but I can't remember anything else recent

In 8th grade put the class retard behind the door that formed a triangle with the wall. Out the block door wedge in to keep the door from moving. Walked away.

About 2 years ago, I got so high from snorting Chantix and huffing Kerosene, I went so fucking insane and woke up in my backyard with no memory of the last 4 days. The cops came a day later and told me I had raped and beheaded my wife in the streets, in broad daylight.

Based retard

sounds like a little bit of the old ultraviolence

I don't care that was just awful

are you kurt cobain?

>Things that never happened

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how do you have internet access in prison ?

There was this girl I was vaguely attracted to, so this one time on a whim I jerked off and then rubbed my cum on her bike handles so I knew at some point she would touch my cum, and then hopefully maybe touch her mouth or face or something.

I'm Jewish

I keep a phone up my ass.

I do something similar all the time - cum on my stomach and then go to the store without cleaning up. I like to image the smell particles from my dried cum entering the pretty little noses of the hot girls while they go around with their boyfriends.

which model ? what's the screen size ?

Watched and enjoyed a marvel movie

I liked all eight seasons of GoT and gifted them to my history prof last Kwanzaa.

You're actually not wrong. I used to love that movie and I lived an extremely immoral life.

That's hot. Have pics and a story?

based tripfag BTFOer

is that clbrks?

Fucked a few married women