Cast him

Cast him

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John Boyega

Cary Grant

Sean Connery 40 years ago

John Hamm

Aged Drake Bell

Tommy Wiseau

Goose, of course.

Hugo Weaving

“Miss?”A man is talking to her. She looks up. It is the same man who ordered a bourbon and Seven. He is holding a white envelope in his hands. Flo takes the envelope and drops it into the pit of her purse. She’ll look at the love note later. Or never.The jet moves faster along the runway. The fuselage shudders. Northwest 305 will be in the air any moment.“Miss?”Him again. Mr. Bourbon and Seven.“I think you better have a look at that note.”She reaches into her purse. She retrieves the envelope.The Northwest jet barrels down the runway. Seventy knots. Eighty knots.In the cabin behind the pilots, passengers cross themselves and close their eyes. Some grip the armrests bracing for liftoff, hoping the jet doesn’t explode.

Flo opens the note. She can see the words are written on a thick piece of paper. The ink is black. The words look printed by a felt-tip pen. She can see the curls of the letters—neat, crisp. The words are pretty to look at. Is this man an artist? She looks into his eyes. She reads the words again.

MISS,I have a bomb here and I would like you to sit by me.

So did he survive or what? I mean the money was never found so he either just drowned or escaped and realized he never could spend it

Wasn't the original Mad Men ending that he becomes DB Cooper?

His name is Dan Cooper
The DB Cooper was a mistake by the press

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You mean Dan Cooper.

that would be a hit tbf

Steve Gutenberg

>It's not because I have a grudge against your airline, miss. I just have a grudge.

Elba. Idris Elba

literally all of us

The only real answer

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Kevin Spacey would be perfect for this one.

He was the original baneposter now that I think about it

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Adrien Brody


Ed Helms

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Kevin Spacey

He didn't fly so good

that was a fan theory, another being that the opening sequence was a foreshadow to the ending i.e. Don jumps off a building

Woulda been cool

Tommy Wiseau.

if only
this would be the best modern choice


That guy from Mulholland Drive.
Patrick Fischler.

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some of the money was found, in small amounts. It was washed up on a river bank, I believe.