Here in my garage. Just bought this new Lamborghini here.
Here in my garage. Just bought this new Lamborghini here
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the OG image?
He reads a book a day
What was this loser peddling again? Some self-help course?
The more you LEARN the more you EARN
this is unironically true
that and also KNOWLEDGE
>Here is my Lambo
>Its actually leased and not his.
90% of these luxury cars are not owned by the faggots driving them.
Well yes, but it's not exactly a startling revelation that demands a filmed rant in your garage
yeah a fucking gallardo, which is shunned as the "poor man's lambo"
Say what you want about the current state of the channel, but when klein went to this guy's house it was very revealing
anything after wape nation (which was shit in itself) was bad
Shut up and link me
There's a whole industry around helping """influencers""" pretend they're successful. You know you can rent out rooms that look like the inside of a private jet? Thats what they do
Can someone slap him with basic finance lessons?
I think this video was after, it was still interesting
People want to be lied to more than they want the truth.
80K is still about 40-75k more than any car that gets honestly posted on /o/
>ywn operate on fuel units
the pain is ceaseless
This image takes me back to a time when I had a gf :(
best version
That same lambo would be double in bongland and the mileage would be higher. Cars are so cheap in america, honestly jelly. A nissan gtr cost about £90k
I unironically bought one of his courses years ago and made money off of it, AMA
>You know you can rent out rooms that look like the inside of a private jet?
jesus christ that's sad, what motivates these people is it just narcissism?
qrd of what he taught you? did it involve investing in something he was selling besides the course? did he try to get you to read 3 books a day by getting some sparknotes subscription?