Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century

>Cherry tomatoes are believed to have been cultivated by the Aztecs in Mexico in the 15th century.


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What is a fantasy setting, fucking retard

this is middle-earth user

>fictional world
No error

Yeah and lembas dissapeared in the 1654 sweden wildfires, totally ruined my inmersion

black elves matter

>Giant eagles are indigenous to Australia
How could Peter Hackson make such a glaring mistake?

Were potatoes in the books too? I know its fantasy but i think that Tolkien would prefer to keep the historical accuracy in regards to medieval europe setting

>Tolkien universe being any related to earth or our solar system at all.


They traded with the Valar for them.

>Magic is believed to be, in actuality, quite fake

????, um immersion ruined much?

>Wizards were exterminated in the concentrations camps in 1945

wtf tolkien is a hack

literally walked out of the theater when they showed corn

Attached: LOTR corn.jpg (960x404, 89.8K)

what was the aztec tax policy?

middle earth canonically transitions into our world

ah yes, those medieval volcanoes and "oliphants" one hears so much about in high school history

actually middle-earth is meant to be the early pre-history of actual earth, not that that doesn't make OP's complaint any less retarded

How did he get so strong? Dude rassled Melkor.
p.s. fuck Chinese moot and these goddam captchas

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>literally walked out of the theater when they showed corn

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Holy shit ! Great point I'm putting my dvds in the garbage disposal now

that's not a cherry tomato, that's an updog he's eating

This scene always reminds me of one time when I was at a very fancy restaurant (check was $450) and had some cherry tomatoes with my meal. The place was packed and the tables were very close together. When I bit into the tomato it squirted all the goo out and it landed all over the person at the next table's coat. Luckily for me they didn't notice.

wtf is updog

Tribute from conquered subordinate states and taxes for citizens.

Merchants paid taxes on the goods that they sold, artisans paid taxes based on the value of their services, and barrios paid taxes through the crops that they produced. Failure to pay taxes was punishable through slavery or the confiscation of property.

nothing much you

Blood for the blood god.

Oh, I noticed. You disgusting fuck.

lol HOLY SHIT wtf

>p.s. fuck Chinese moot and these goddam captchas
this deserves a (you)

haha, glad you enjoyed user

Was Tolkien a christcuck? Because the lore has a lot of Christian allegories.

Potatoes were brought by the Noldor to middle earth from The Amer-I mean- Valinor.

And a gay homo elf did too

He put all his points in strength, simple as.

I don't know

Yes, he was a devout catholic. Even managed to get C.S. Lewis out of his atheist phase.

>Because the lore has a lot of Christian allegories.
name at least 74,000 or fuck off

The Lord of the TLOTR was based on true events actually.

Kill everything that isnt a fellow aztec

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