This show perfectly encapsulates that short haired girls are the most attractive type of girls and it is not even close. Literally no one compares to the cuteness that is Hyun Yi
Also I am finally understanding the appeal of K dramas, took me a while but this show is actually good
Korean dramas fucking suck. They absolutey suck donkey balls. I've given so many a try and even the so called "highly rated" ones are mediocre at best. Simply cannot finish them, it's more of a chore than it is entertainment. Right now i'm giving chief of staff a try, 2 episodes in and it's boring political drama but not even logical, just random events happening and then the main char somehow resolves it by always coming up with the solution. It's all so tiresome. Gooks can only make good films, not series.
The character is trans gender, the actress is a woman
Jaxson Ross
This series is literally about a tranny, that picture you posted is a woman portraying a tranny. I didn't know even gooks were pushing this kike agenda.
Gookeroonies idolate the US, theyre rabid christcucks who even go so far as adopting dick mutilation because israel's puppet state does it Not a surprise that they would swallow kikery so easily