How would this scene be received in 2020?
How would this scene be received in 2020?
this is probably a reaction any man would have
no real man would have a reaction like that.
so you're a homo?
Context? What's he disgusted at?
real men would be respectful
make a guess
Even back then I thought this was an overreaction for a kiss. It's not like they sucked her dick or anything.
yea exactly. ace was way too homophobic to be the protagonist
or maybe, and just maybe, you're fine with french kissing men
yes, but not trannys
If you make out with a man and you can't tell its a man, it's a woman
Sneed posting
>Context? What's he disgusted at?
He kissed a man that was disguised as a woman.
hate crime. Everyone involved would have to do the social media/late night television contrition circuit.
homo opinions don't matter
a real man would want to clean his mouth with bleach once he realized the deception
What's Jim doing right this second, Zig Forums?
its actually nbd. been drunk and kissed guys. you wake up the next day and its like it never happened. honestly super drunk makeouts with close guy friends just ends up strengthening the friendship. havent double teamed a girl with a bro yet tho
The problem with this movie is that they made the "tranny" way too hot for the disgust to be believable.
I hate these faggy "we live in a society" threads. Fuck you, zoomer.
I'm pretty sure your future is double teaming a dude with a bro you big fag.
I'm 33.
no, you are gay
search your feelings, you know it to be true
I never even got the joke as a kid. If Ace ripped off her hair like a wig to reveal a macho man, that would have driven the point home.
naw, when you fully understand who you are and are comfortable with your sexuality the 5% of yourself that might be into guys stops being threatening and you can just accept once in a while some bizarre thoughts will pop up. doesn't make you a faggot or mean you need to start fucking dude ass. just means you are the biological product of millions of years of evolution and nothing is completely black and white. some time in the future maybe trying openly exploring who you would be without the massive social pressure telling yourself who you should be. silver lining: girls all gather around and cheer if two guys make out. makes it easy to slay that night.
It wasn't just "a kiss" she gripped him by the sack and violently made out with him, grinding her erect genitals against his body. His reaction to this revelation is accurate and appropriate for any non-npc sheepdog tv person male.
They literally fucked, dude. Which makes the ending a little more confusing
Imagine making out with a really hot chick then discovering she has a penis hahaha what if you just jerked her off haha so gross haha
you will never be women
>vocal minority tweeting random virtue signaling bullshit such as "what the fuck this is so bigoted cancel jim carrey now"
>movie still grosses several hundred millions
He kissed pic related
true, the movie probably created thousands of tranny fuckers
consider how people are into traps these days, they'd get excited to suck her cock.
at the time I was too young to watch the Crying Game, so I didn't get the reference.
I never got how you could transplant a cock and balls out of your ass. How do you poop now?
only a faggot wouldn't have sex with prime sean young
No they didn't, retard. Watch the movie.