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Cares: Who?
Utter bullshit, fuck roasties and fuck Amazon
Damn rip Altaïr
This is why I worry about myself, having fucked quite many con cosplayers in my day. What if I become famous? I'm willing to bet a good portion of them are batshit enough to make like I raped them.
>The Expanse
Nobody but you has ever said this
>[Nerd Culture]
show ruined, hoss
>investigation of allegations
Yeah, but let's just cancel him anyway. I mean there is literally no "evidence" except some text messages he (an adult male) sent to adult women asking for consensual pussy time
Every time I watch this show I walk away amazed at how poorly it's written, the kind of bad where you can blatantly see the writers intent and how far they missed the mark. And then I keep watching it. The fuck is wrong with me
The most average show of all time, The Expanse, never ding dong diddly drew a dime, marks.
It's no wonder replika pussy is the fastest growing sexual enterprise in this our doomed times.
will they just have an empty seat on the Rocinante? will they have people talking to the gap he used to occupy? cutting out all the parts his character was in.. isn't going to leave much.
uh i thought you guys said this series was good
What’s the alternative tho? It’s the best sci fi currently being made, and it’s prolly top 5 of all shows currently being made. They are killing off one of the best characters in said show, and possibly the show itself because some cunts got butthurt a guy wanted bobs and vagine and asked them. Burn it all down
it is good but it got popular so Zig Forums hates it now, like every good show
Remember, your grandparents and their generation chose this timeline for you.
Why do females constantly, always, all the time, lie about fucking anything?
If you like trainwrecks, check out Batwoman.
not like this...
Who flies the ship now? Is the character recast? Do they just edit out the Anvar scenes and have the characters talking to him off screen? Are they going to add in some OC greatest pilot ever to fly the Roci probably played by his accuser?
Also if the line they use to justify Alex's absence is "he realized he wanted to be with his family" after his character arc leading to him saying flying the Roci is his dream come true its going to be a big indicator of the shit quality of the season.
Trolling should be subtle, user
Every scene with him is just a black screen with the text [PLACEHOLDER SCENE] and the audio track playing.
S6 hasn't been fipmed yet. He will leave offscreen between seasons and the Roci will get a new pilot. Probably a woman.
They're gonna add an episode about rape awareness and it's gonna be everything
This. If anything, the show gets compared with GoT.
you mean we took notice of the show you dweebs were watching in the corner and making girly giggly noises, then we exposed it to everyone else as garbage
>female pilot
Bet the ship crashes. Cap this post.
I hope that one day, an accused actor gets replaced by a legit asshole who actually does rape the fake news spreader
That is among the most autistic things I've ever seen posted on Zig Forums.
Been here since 06. You're still autistic and probably fat.
You're right I thought OPs screencap was about season 5 my bad. But I did just find out that season 6 is going to be the last. 5 and 6 are probably going to be rushed to shit since they haven't caught up to the books yet and theres still a final book that isnt out yet. A damn shame but at least we've gotten four good seasons out of it.
You are so right it's scary.