Kill old white man

>kill old white man
>inherit everything he had
based and inevitable-future-pilled

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she didn't kill him though, he killed himself

if the future of America is more Ana-esque latina babes then I will happily take part in killing whitey

But what about all the little retards at school whose retard parents allow them this? These messages are much worse coming from peers than from the propaganda source directly.

>>inherit everything he had

doesnt matter when their are only apes left to do the inheriting

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how did he make a worse movie than star wars

why not just get several strips of plywood and walk across?

get the fuck outta here with that racist bullshit

i thought it was an ok movie

You didn't watch the movie.

This movie is fucking kino. TLJ is one of the worst movies ever made

Yet he worked on Memeing Bad so he will be praised forever

do you know what goes into making plywood?


>literal Zig Forums insert

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learn to spell retard, I doubt you're any smarter than the 'apes' you make fun of

they didn't make the rope

The local warlord could buy some with all the western aid he steals but....thats racist white people morality so fuck yo bridge nigga

She looked super frumpyin this movie. Shes well on her way to becoming an abuela

Someone else had to build that bridge for them to begin with user.

nah, im way smarter than the apes i make fun of

>could buy some
Maybe, assuming it's stocked in his area. There is a lot of infrastructure that goes into stocking basic raw materials.

nigger lover spotted

Literally me. Like I was looking at a mirror

So, white people. Enjoyable video, thanks!

I'm sure Orientals/Turks/Indians can and do make it.

Literally surrounded by trees. ll you need to do is find some flatish branches tie them all together.

Am I going crazy or is that cup edited in her hand?

seethe uneducated white trash