Who was it and why ?
Who was it and why ?
every atheist youtuber from the early 2010s who transitioned into reactionary anti-sjw stuff
>subscribing to a youtuber
based atheist able to see that castrating children is evil.
go back to r3ddit
Quinton reviews, but I unsubscribed as soon as he talked shit about JonTron in an unrelated video
Penguinzo or critkal or whatever his name is now. I tried to watch some of his shit recently and it’s just him doing the same old thing but with even less effort since he doesn’t edit anything anymore and just sits in a depressingly empty and white room
FunHaus because of talent drain. Rob Ager because I realized he’s an idiot or he’s full of shit or both
I bet you still watch an actual television
Some Ordinary Gamers. I like the videos he did about scary games and creepypastas. Now all he does is youtube commentary or videos about drama that is currently happening.
Idubzz. Hes a fucking cuck.
What did Wisecrack do that I ever subscribed them? Perhaps back in the day youtube essays weren't such absolute parody just yet.
I remember being in 6th grade watching Hal Rudnick and Honest Trailers and thinking it was hilarious.
But to be fair he was always annoying as fuck, I was just a young retard back then.
>this thread again
make something new you fucking faggot
Idubbz, frank and max.
Spoony, but go back to plebbit
tended to unsub to channels more on the basis of their output rate (and them clogging up my subs oage) rather than quality/my interest and would still watch them regardless
not subbed to any channels anymore but still keep up with some and others every once and a while
>subbing to atheistards
>anti anti-sjw
there's a channel called human about a treecutter and this year the covid stuff ontop of irl stuff broke him mentally and his channel ontop of him spiraled out of control, he was spamming videos so often and coming out with all kinds of rants i unsubbed.
was never good, i just grew up too the point where i understood that
>every single one of the list maker vlogs
1mio+ subscribers, but only 50k views per vid.
If you crank them out like a maniac, they are gonna start sucking real fast.
>gaming review channels
i don't care about your four (4) fucking minutes of sponsoring everytime to tell me that it's a shitty GTA clone.
>tech review channels
once you start reading a site of benchmarks instead, lifes becomes far easier. I also stopped obsessing about new tech coming out
All of them. I'm only still subscribed to dead channels and channels of online classes about the law
elliot hulse
vegan gains
i hate myself for subscribing in the first place
Can't believe it now but I actually was subscribed to him way back
Well, seems I need to start following more atheists then
Well the Procrastinators in general.
Digibro went trans
Hippo went trans
Ben has gone full psychopath
Nate abandoned ship due to how crazy things have gotten
Jesse left ages ago when the Mumkey shit hit the fan, which is the worst tragedy of all since he was the funniest member.
Now the podcast just serves as a platform for trannies and Antifa.
Early early early on it was funny over his rants of actually nostalgic movies
none, i dont watch e-celebs
his deepweb and /x/-orientated videos are still good 2bh. he even says himself he just weighs in on the bullshit drama videos to stay somewhat relevant
Screenjunkies, uh I’m cringing just thinking about them
Lol same. Their new stuff just feels so soulless
This. He's also prime zoomie bait and isn't funny.
Just gets worse and worse, his best stuff was the simple stuff.
Phillip DeFranco
I watched his channel when I was 17 and he had like 2,500 subs.
As he got more and more popular his biases became more clear and the smash cuts just started to annoy the fuck out of me.
Yeah and it started to fall apart completely with all those retarded skits with his sidekicks
By the time I unsubscribed from pic related in like 2015 he was down to one good video every few months despite putting them out weekly. I imagine he must be absolute bottom of the barrel dogshit now.
hellfirecoms and brainscratchcomms
I feel the same way, I was trying so hard to be a fucking psued but them essentially becoming “The Rick and Morty/South Park show” really turned me off. Hard to read that much into fucking animated shows which were either: blatant satire, or the Harmon formula.
I’m kinda embarrassed I was ever really into them.
Why? Youtube stops notifying you after a while if you don't click their videos.
This. The most I'm willing to put up with is two vids a week, evenly spaces. People who upload daily or multiple times a day are fucking cancer.
Critical drinker