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Other urls found in this thread:


Irresponsible mortgages

you put money down, and then you pay for it until forever, like the rest of the 99%

Wage slaving and watching 75% of your paycheck go down the shitter for 30 years

You don't have to afford it. That's what debt is for. You put 5% down, then play the minimum monthly rent. When you a tired of the place, you sell it for default.

americans everyone

I don't want to be a slave to unreasonable Jewish debt forever.

if you must know:
-go to a cheap but not crime invested rural military town
-buy one of the houses they rent out to grunts because they get a fixed amount for housing so all the houses are similar price
-get fha loan and put 5% down
this should cost about 10k when you add in closing costs
your morgage should be less than 750 a month
if you cant afford this then there is no helping you

>a mortgage
>a wife, whether for the dual income or free maid service
>not living in a meme state
>a decent career
It's not that hard OP. A 30 year mortgage on a $300k home in the midwest and $80k household income(not unheard of at all) only costs ~50% of take home pay.

take out a loan that you'll never be able to repay and pay interest to bankers forever while you toil away

house prices are fucking absurd and should be like half of what they are now. they've fucking doubled or tripled in price the past 10 years while salaries have generally remained the same.

it's a racket. meant to get normies used to being in debt their entire lives and working forever.

With money

americans everyone

Imagine thinking debt is evil in Zig Forums of all places. What do you think you people are investing in?

So much anti-semitism.

no you don't. stop spamming this shit.

then rent a small apartment
it will never be more expensive than having to pay for an entire house


By understanding how you get money back out of the equation at the end and using OPM, other people's money.

I saved up 10% down payment for a home over the last two years and I'm getting a place big enough that I can rent out a portion to a friend of mine for the first year or two. I used first time home buyer assistance in my state, I've got a loan rep assisting me and my buyer's agent to help me fine tune my finances (things like asking for a higher cap on my credit cards, even though I never use it), and I'm being strict with my budget for the next few months while I get the last few things in order.

Based on my projections, the extra money that my friend provides in rent will help dig into the principle. See, part of the problem is that for the first couple of years you're paying mostly interest and not touching the principle too much, but if you can make extra payments early to the principle then you can shrink the lifetime of the loan considerably. If my buddy sticks around for more than a year or two, or I rent to, say, some college kid, then I can probably pay it off in 7 years or so instead of 30. If I settle down with a girlfriend/wife and she contributes, same idea applies.

One thing people tend to forget is that your mortgage interest can be deducted at tax time, and since that makes up more than half your loan, you basically live half the year for free unless your mortgage is enormous enough that the write off exceeds the cap, which if I remember right is either $10k or $20k. If your mortgage payment is around $1000, like mine will be, your interest for the year will be something like $6k, which won't come close.

You also build equity rather than setting fire to a big pile of your money every money. It's a savings account that you get to live in, as long as you don't set fire to it or forget to do the basic upkeep. That doesn't help you get into a home, but it's nice to remember. I mean, we all want wealth, not waste, right?

stop spamming your pump and dump scheme too.

>50% of take home pay
That’s irresponsible and you would be the first to lose your house in a recession. You should never pay more than 25% of your take home pay on housing, and that’s the upper limit. If you want to be safe you should be way under even that.

if you are talking monthly payments, buying is cheaper than renting the same house. this is how landlords make money

Basically people get a long ass mortgage at a fixed rate and it's cheaper than getting an apartment. That's it.
Now because of this every once in a while a bunch of idiots lose their shirts because they took variable rate mortgages, or because prices dip so much that it actually becomes cheaper to start renting again then it is to keep paying mortgage, but it works pretty well for most folks especially with all the tax writeoffs.

Most banks cap the mortgages they issue people at a 43% debt to income ratio.

Goes down even after that due to property taxes

>used 0 down VA loan
>get job working for US govt overseas, with housing provided
>have tenant move in
>he pays mortgage
>throw an extra couple hundred bucks at it every month
>not going to get rich but he is building equity in it for me
>when I do decide to move back in a few years the value will have gone up while not really costing me a thing.

If paying for a good or service like a roof over your head that you can resell later on down the line is "going down the shitter" I dread to think what you consider a good investment.

Why would you think that it’s in the best interest of the bank to have you spend your money responsibly?

because they dont want you to default

Rent literally goes up every year. In ten years renting a small 1 bedroom apartment will be more per month than my mortgage. And I can resell whenever I want. 2.99% interest zero down VA loan. No black neighbors. Why would you not buy a house right now

You have money and you buy at the right time.
Or you let the bank buy it for you and then you sign a 30 year rent-to-own agreement with them that most people call a "mortgage".

trips confirm

Banks operate on the assumption of endless unlimited growth and that the economy will never slow down or enter a recession. You’re a retard if you think that’s sustainable or realistic.

I don't, but if someone else is willing to give me a big bag of money and I can come up with a clever way to exploit that offer that's in our mutual best interest, why would I say no to that?

Loans are an opportunity. You can waste an opportunity, you can turn an opportunity into a hindrance or even a mistake, but you can also make use of it. Thousands of dollars in purchasing power, right at your fingertips, and all you have to do is work out how you're going to make it work out for you.

The banks want me to pay my interest so that they can make a profit on the loan. I think that's a reasonable thing for them to want out of the situation. I don't want to pay more in interest than I need to, but it's better than paying rent to cover someone else's mortgage and I get to write the interest off, and if I rent out part of the home to someone else then I get to pay even less interest.

That's what mortgage insurance is for, if you don't have enough equity in the property to show you've got skin in the game.

houses are so inaccessible its literally reduced marriage and birth rates to near 0.

But hey, Airbnb stock must go up!

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>mortgage insurance
im guessing this is an american thing

Yes, you are correct, but the person you are replying to meant that a small apartment(1bd) will ALWAYS be cheaper than a house because 1bd houses just don't exist. Living in a place with more than 1 bedroom is a huge waste of money if you're childless. I sold my 3bd and started living in a 1bd while investing the money I saved and it's been a very good decision financially.

Yep. Basically if you can't afford the down payment by a wide margin then the bank makes you buy insurance against a default on the loan, and when you have 10% equity in the property the insurance cost is roughly halved, and at 20% you don't need to pay it anymore because you're pretty bought into the property at that point and the bank can make their money back off the sale if you default.

We can't expect black people to be able to put 20% down, so we need to offer them 3% down mortgages. Turns out giving a black person a 3% down mortgage causes financial crises, so now we need to force them to insure their mortgage. That's American logic for you.

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Pro tip:

Buy the shittiest home in the best neighborhood. Put sweat equity into it for 2 years and then sell.

This has been my best financial moves and why I im in the top 3% in net worth by my age group.

This stupid boomer at my job was telling me how he bought a house at 18 in the 70s. I told him that’s because he was in the most prosperous times in America. He then went on and tried telling me it can be done today with some cliche platitudes like “put your mind to it”. Boomers are so out of touch they’re borderline retarded. I can’t fucking stand their way of thinking

Preaching to the choir, my nigga.

Well, you're not wrong.

be a non-millennial

This works if you live in a booming market. Especially California. You can 4x any renovations easily. Waste of time and money if your market is only appreciating ~2%-3% though.

House Hacking

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yeah, putting in a hard days work actually got them somewhere
>2 years at the factory? here's a living wage, healthcare, and pension

in todays world its like
>2 years at the factory? here's a 50 cent raise, health insurance with a 3k deductible, and instead of a pension or 401k we're going to automate your job away in 5 years time

it ultimately boils down to this: Work hard, consistently, and at peak performance no longer guarantees independence. Boomers don't understand this as they never had to deal with it

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Around me a room is 600 minimum. A studio is at least 1000. I could get a 200+k mortgage for the price of a basement apartment.

>mfw I own an apartment that I rent out for 200% of the monthly costs
>mfw fixed 1,8% mortgage

You just need to get on the property ladder

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the only better decision is to move back in with your parents forever

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I feel that. I'm from Connecticut. You have limited option if you want to move out. It's basically $800 shit-tier, ghetto apartments, where you can't walk outside, ever or $1200 studios in the suburbs, or $1k one-room rents.

Utilities are almost never included. You literally need to make $20 an hour if you want to rent on your own.

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>2.75% interest
Pick one rent fag.

They don't, they're on the hook for decades and decades of debt and don't usually get done paying for it until they're so old and near the end of their life, when it no longer matters. Few people actually own a house, they own debt to a bank.

You wait for the housing market to crash in the coming year and then buy one

A 200k home costs ~$912/mo. That's not your monthly mortgage payment; that's your COST and is directly comparable to your rent.
>opportunity cost - your equity has better growth in stocks than in a house
So, if it costs $1,000 to rent a studio, it would cost just as much to buy a $220k home. Use this tool to calculate. Change "investment return rate" to 8% for best results:
$1,000 for a studio in a market with $200k homes sounds off. Are you sure there's no 1bd apartments ~$700? Homes in my area are $300k and 1bd apartments are $650, so it makes sense to rent.

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>because they dont want you to default
They figure they have less risk because they pile you in with other mortgages. So they consider it diversified risk to them, but that doesn't mean you aren't a retard to putting that much of your income into a mortgage.

I've been paying the same rent for the past 6 years because I'm a good tenant and my landlord doesn't want me to leave

This. My landlord actually offered to lower my rent this year because I pay early all the time when I manufactured spend to churn credit cards.

>take out $400k from banks at 3.5% interest
>invest capital you would have paid for the house in cash in steady investments at 7%

It's like you retards don't understand the clearly defined rules set out for us

I've been thinking this would be my move too if I got a place. I can make a 20% down payment, spend some money to make the basement a suite, and maybe rent out a bedroom too. That could damn well cover the whole mortgage. I'm just a bitch about going through with it because I always think there's things I'm not considering, and I'd be in way over my head.

I live on a family property rignt now virtually for free and get afraid of complicating things.

There will always be things you're not considering and you'll be in over your head if you go into it without someone you can talk to now and again. But if it's a thing you want to do, and you can go into it with your eyes open, and it benefits you, then you need to work out what you're most afraid of and plan around it.

Look into the renting and leasing laws for your state and work out whether they favor the tenant or the property owner. Some states make kicking someone out a nightmare for owners, and some states make tenants fear for their livelihood because the owners can evict almost at will.

>take out 400k from banks at 3.5% interest
>invest capital you would have paid for the house in cash in steady investments at 7%
>lose everything you invest by being an overconfident retard who thinks he can beat the system when the market collapses
>lose your house

Well I'm in Canada, in a province experiencing a recession because of oil crash + covid. So I've been anticipating a drop in the real estate market here for a while. I might just try to get pre-approved for now and wait for an opportunity.


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That's basically what I did. Is it the same way in Canada, where the buyer's agent gets paid by the seller for bringing a buyer so the buyer doesn't have to cover that cost?

>was rentfag
>put 5% down on a condo
>base mortgage is half of what I was paying for rent with 200 square feet more space
>throwing extra cash into it
>later can sell for a down payment on a real house

Yet Europoors have multigenerational 100yo loans and Australians have interest-only loans (you never pay back capital and build equity).

>good investments

yeah ok m9

That sounds terrifying.

you sign away 50% of your earnings for the next 15 years and pray prices keep going up. ez

Condos are fucking retarded, especially where I live. They can just build more of them, they are all the same.

When I used to rent I'd pick a building I liked and then send low-ball offers to everyone with a unit for rent. It didn't matter because they were all the same.

How does this make any sense? The principal is the equity. Or is it higher, obligatory interest and then the option to pay into equity as you please? But then I'm guessing the bank still captures the appreciation on the home.

Prices in my city for condos have been mooning for the past 20 years. Even if it didn’t increase a dime, I would rather build equity than toss money out the window with rent

You only pay interest in perpetuity. The principal never go down.

Leave the coasts and Chicago/Minneapolis

come on, on a long enough time line the prices are going to go up. even after the crash in '08' look at how fast prices recovered. the thing to take away from that is buy with in your means!

Yeah in another 15 years literally no one will be able to afford anything even less than there are now.

Depends on where you live. The south has absurdly cheap prices, just nobody wants to live in a humid swamp with minimal ocean access.

>If I settle down with a girlfriend/wife and she contributes, same idea applies.
Terrible idea right here. If she ever gets tired of your ass, even if she only paid .01% of the total mortgage the divorce court is going to treat it as if she is entitled to 50%.

What do you mean "in perpetuity?" You only pay interest for as long as it takes you to pay the principal. You dont pay interest forever

The trick is to get your wife to pay equally.

Don't listen to these retards, housing market has been overpriced for fucking years due to regulations, lack of supply, Chimes intervention, etc. Don't bother with it until anyone can reasonably buy a home to live in, these days a home for a family in some places is like 300k or more and the average person makes say 40k bucks a year.


This guy gets it

The taxpayer will bail this guy out

They don’t think it be, but it do

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Just build your own and move rural. I know of a certain 20 acre lot in Texas, right next to a beautiful national park, going for only $8.5k

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Usury is evil. But it's the world we live in, for now.

shut it down he nose

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Get even a halfway decent job and get over the hype of living in "diverse" urban centers.

The amount of manipulation they do to the housing and stock market is ridiculous

There's no jobs there, get the fuck out of here with that meme advice

high iq+good job
t.corporate lawyer

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the only affordable houses are 1.5 hours away from the city, there are no jobs there

Im not going to drive 3 hours a day just to work for 8 hours at Shekelstein Corp, and have just enough time to go home cook dinner and cry myself to sleep

This board is full of poor, idiotic, and resentful people. One second they bitch that inflation is higher than the CPI indicates (2.5% versus shadowstats liek ~10%) then they insist on not taking out a mortgage at 2-3%.
You can literally take on a mortgage at or less than the official rate of inflation (much less the shadowstats rate) yet they continue to prattle on about how the system is rigged against them.

Yeah there's shit wrong with the world but git gud faggots. Learn to game the system.

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Parental help?

First house was £220k, with £80k deposit... My mortgage is £500 a month

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Either listen to this guy or buy trailer RV and truck. Been in one 8 years, no complaints. $500 MO including food & utilities, ciggies are biggest extra expense but still cheaper and less painful than woman.

How much did your parents help with?

You cannot afford a good house because real estate is the repository for USD inflation. The CPI does not include rising costs of homes because if it did you would see just how fucked the USD really is.

Why not just pay 1000-1200 a month and pay it off sooner? Are property taxes high where you live?


The word your looking for is hoho

no worries this bubble economy is going to crash big time and we will all afford houses in 1-2-3 years
fuck boomers
fuck banks

This, I was considering moving back to my sleepy picturesque Applachian hometown, but Airbnb has absolutely ruined the real estate market there. What was an affordable 3 bedroom home in 2006 now goes for no less than $200,000.

Who the fuck puts only 5% down. Do you guys like being poor? Are you black?

200k USD is expensive?

What the fuck are you amerifats doing with your money?


after 2008 banks are highly HIGHLY regulated. they are forced by the OCC/Feds to monitor the borrowers dti. also do you think its in the banks best interest to lend to a borrower with high dti or low dti? lmao you must be a kid.

I think his point isn't that 200k is a ton, but it's way more than it used to be and more than you'd expect for a sleepy Appalachian area.

600k is the minimum for a decent house here.

*in my part of California

wage slavery and debt salvery

Our houses aren't made out of rocks

Women belong in the home, not at Mr. Shekelstein's corporate office sucking dick for promotions.

Non citizens shouldn't be able to buy property in any nation - only lease. Also, how do I buy something in Aruba?

You have to put at least 20% down, otherwise you get raped by PMI.

It’s not just about monthly cost though, it’s about building equity. You will never see a penny of rent money back.
Even in the absolute dire case scenario of seeing your house fall in value 25%, you’re still effectively getting back 75% of what you’ve spent on housing which is way better than 0.
That said, I’m waiting another year to buy. Mortgage rates probably will rise by then, however, home prices themselves should fall pretty dramatically. And difference in mortgage rate isn’t nearly as impactful as the cost of the house itself.

Mortgage is French. It means until death.

Based. But how else can you comfy afford a home

Retard. Is the alternative better?

Now is the best time in a decade to get a house. Just do it retards. Even if it's small, you ladder up to better homes as you get older with equity gained. Jesus

Fellow tranny lawyer here. Pays real good, but work is unrewarding and consumes all your time. Good thing I have shit load of link to get off the ride by eoy

Asheville is dope

Have a friend who’s a lawyer. He said you don’t make good money until 5-10 years in your career. How old are you 40?

it was 5-10 years ago, kinda shitty and full of boomer retirees now. and no jobs


Fuck, also CT user here
What's the cheapest nearby state?

A job you fucking loser


>hi iq + supermoney
space doctor here
can confirm

just bought 200k link, this is going to be so quick and easy

I got my 1st house ($305,000) at age 24 making $15.50 an hour.
Y'all can't afford one because you're stupid and bad with money.
You eat out a lot
You buy alcohol a lot
You have a 1yr old $700 smartphone
You drive a new ish car that costs a ton in insurance and payments.
You have no passive Income

If you managed funds better, you could own a house, but you are too fucking stupid

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Amen to that! Although I hope it happens sooner rather than later because I really want a house and I live in a place where real estate is the most expensive compared to the rest of the country (Long Island).

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just bought my first house
>cost 460k
>rental income a year 40k

Market price was really 520k but the owner was fearfull of what would happen to the economy due to covid.

im 26 and ive driven a fucking corolla while saving like a rat working two jobs, invested in link july 2018 and have NOT SOLD ONE TOKEN. i deserve this

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How long did you have your job for though? Seems like they wouldn't give you a loan unless you'd been there for like 5 years already

For fuck's sake I wish this meme would go away. Even in fucking "commiefornia" the property tax is less than 1%, set at 0.81%. Even if you had the ugliest $300k McMansion, that's $2430 per year. It's not tens of thousands of dollars.

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>You just have to put 30k down
This is why people rent

You fucking lie, the birth rate in 2019 was 12 babies per 1,000 people, so nearly 4 million (3.96) births in 2019. Stop lying to push a fake narrative that "birth rates are near zero!!! it's all manipulated!!!"

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a lot of Appalachia is low income, it's not that $200k is unaffordable, it's just inappropriate for the median income of the region

Hahahaha you cannot seriously expect somebody to boycott all those companies

>Only black people took out 3% mortgages!
Yeah right, for sure.
Oh wait, your average American looks like pic related and is just as retarded as your hypothetical

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meant for

why the fuck do people like this gif? it's so retarded

Try growing up on the Cali coast... I can’t even afford to rent without having 4 roommates, even while working 50hrs a week

He means white babies.

I had that job for little over 2yrs.
That with a 785 credit score was enough.
Working a ton of OT to save up for a manageable down payment was the harder part.
My mortgage is actually cheaper than renting.
And I get taxed less

Nowhere did he say that. You're just inserting words to fix a broken statement.

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Are you smooth brained? If you can find a steady investment at 7% guaranteed you wouldn't be on biz lmao

Lol what? The S&P 500 returns 7% each year guaranteed. This Zig Forums 101
Oh wait, Zig Forums shills shitcoins every minute and they don't care about real shit


why do you need to own a house goyim? why don't you just rent from uncle schlomo until you die with nothing to your name?

I didn't say they weren't decreased, I said they weren't zero.

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>Only one result for House Hacking
>And it's my own post


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The better question is how can you afford not to have one.

wtf is house hacking?

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All these people have talked about renting out a portion of their house while they live in out, you're not special

>house hacking

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Live in Alabama. I live on the gulf coast. It's hot as fuck and people think you're weird if you don't go to church, but at least I don't have to commute hours to work and pay 1 million for a tiny house.

Buying a triplex, charging each tenant for half the mortgage and living for free


the most powerful entities in the world do everything they can to protect the S&P 500 or NASDAQ indexes. This was the worst crash in a decade and it's already recovering. Stick to your shitcoin threads, this is a thread about actual investing

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Not so fast friend. Are you certain that the coronavirus pandemic is comparable to the 2008 recession. Our entire economy has literally ground into a halt, economists are predictiong -40% GDP growth for the second quarter. On top of that, with 30 million people unemployed and the majority of Americans with less than $1000 in the bank, we are most certainly should expect a lot of mortgages to be defaulting in the coming months. I would hold off from buying until then.

should'nt we wait 6 months first? Mortgages have to start going into default before the price of housing is effected much.

Why would you out down more than 5% if you don't have to?

>all the poor retards in this thread

The only reason to buy a house is to use a mortgage. Mortgages are literally the best form of leverage average jack offs can get.

Double wide trailers in the middle of nowhere to for $100k. This shit is ridiculous.

Everyone here knows when were talking about human beings we mean white people, you know, actual people.

>Mortage an apartement building.
>Rent appartements
>Buy house with the profit.

This is Zig Forums. Most people here can't balance a budget long enough to get out of their mom's basement but can write you pages on why their preferred speculative asset is going to make them mega wealthy. Expecting them to understand that they have a choice between paying rent and paying a mortgage is a surprisingly high bar.

>jacked up inflated prices because of artificial low interest rates

North/south carolina have been on my radar forever. You can rent for $500 a month in the suburbs. Even in the cities $800 for a studio. Houses are cheap too. 80k can get you a small 3- bedroom house.

the only problem is the wages are really low too. I want to save like 125k up here, buy a 3-bedroom house for 80k-90k, rent out the other two bedrooms, and have like 1k in bills a month. Even a minimum wage job can pay the bills.

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they don't, they get a loan aka a mortage and pretend they own it. There's probably less than a couple million of Americans who actually own their house full and paid for with the land.

>The median property tax in Suffolk County, New York is $7,192 per year for a home worth the median value of $424,200. Suffolk County collects, on average, 1.7% of a property's assessed fair market value as property tax.
It is easily over 10k when you're not in Kansas

What can I do for work down there? It's still goddamn winter here in NY, sick of this fucking place

I'm guessing most boomers own their homes yea? And it's true. Average people bought their homes at high prices, maybe refinanced the house after a few years. And lots owe more than what it's worth. Literal slaves. I own 25 acres in the bush with a ghetto cabin running solar power. I don't have a single bill other than 150 bucks a year for property tax, and car insurance, and internet.

NC real estate is going to do well in the long run, it's a net in migration state. The research triangle is bringing in a lot of tech people. Many are also moving to charlotte which is driving prices up in the surrounding burbs. I live in NYC but my parents bought a rental down there several years ago. 16% cagr and good rent inflation. Rent for a condo outside of the city is $800 in the area.

your post-tax investment return rate will probably not be 8%, 6% is a more realistic number to use

go on hrt as early as you can become a cute trap and setup an onlyfans account then get new simps through posting on social media, reddit and Zig Forums with watermark showing your unique username or url to the premium sign-up.

2 incomes.

Just wait a few months and you will be able to buy two.
Screencap this.

Incels are priced out. Have sex or die in the streets.

By being born between 1946 and 1964.

But then I still have to have mexican neighbors.
Is buying anything even worth it?

by not wasting your real money on memebuck moonshot scamcoins


25 and 339k house here with a 3% interest rate. Dont @ me.

I gross nearly 100k and still have trouble stomaching the thought of being locked into a mortgage on a fucking 300k thing. It just seems insane.
You could retire with that much money, but instead you just buy a house here?
Why not rent for 1k, save half your net, invest in other things that don't tie you don't to one shithole?

>can't afford a small house made of wood
lmao so this is the power of the American

>made of wood
>by mexicans
American products are great, commie. Don't forget it.


>guaranteed 7% returns
how retarded are you really?

By being born before 1971

Cool website!

>Bay area
>$1000 a month to rent a room in some boomers house in the suburbs

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Even if you dont want to rent because you want ownership per se, renting has other restrictions. Things like neighbours in too close of a proximity, building restrictions, dependency on landlord. Its not nice to rent your entire life long..

>and earn 200k as a developer

WOW i've never seen such a succinct BTFO

The difference between anti-Semitic and anti-satanic is simply semantics.


Probably 60% of home owners are living paycheck to paycheck.

I make $60k a year and cannot afford a home. Where I live a fucking crack house goes for $190k.

These current times are a fucking joke and we will either have a big financial revolution or totally collapse as a nation.

The current business model of America is completely unsustainable. I read a post on Zig Forums once that I think is accurate. It said each president runs up the debt because they know total collapse is inevitable, so they just push all the problems forward so it becomes the next president's problem.

At some point we are either totally fucked or a massive change will set things right.

Just move to Pittsburgh or something dude

In capitalist america, debt is money.

the treadmill though is it takes time for most people to save for a substantial down payment, even though monthly costs are better

You never even own it. After wasting years and the majority of your paychecks to finally make it your own, you continue to waste equally insane amounts on it forever because of over-inflated and unjust property taxes, in which case they'll take away your home just like a landlord would.

It's sad seeing these mongs replying to you, so dumb they don't even realize that if you get 3.6% return, which fucking anyone can do, you're still coming out on top. Plus inflation, assets/salary go up over time but your mortgage is a hard number.

Housing prices are KEY to enslaving people and ensuring they have little freedom/social mobility. we will never see them become affordable in our lifetimes. The powers that be will not allow it to happen and will sacrifice many other things before they do it(including massive inflation)

If you did that you'd just get an apartment for 2k.

>massive inflation
Which were getting anyway

We're full, thank you.

Best real estate investment advice in the whole thread.

>It said each president runs up the debt because they know total collapse is inevitable, so they just push all the problems forward so it becomes the next president's problem.
President doesn't do shit when it comes to the budget. That's literally all congress because congress is constitutionally responsible for the nation's purse strings. Any proposed budget put forward by the president is basically thrown into the trash and a new one is made with the interest of spending even more because that's what people understand when it comes to elections.

This. Of the current 2 Trillion dollar stimulus package, 25 million is ear marked as "additional salary for members of the House of Representatives." That comes to ~57k per Representative.

>tfw youre military and can apply for a 0% down VA home loan

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stay poor

Well there's the same jobs every populated area needs - doctors, lawyers, plumbers, HVAC technicians, that kind of thing.
Specific to Alabama, there's a big NASA and defense contracting cluster around Huntsville, and there's a cluster of Japanese auto manufacturing industries around Birmingham.
The bigger question is really what are your skills. You can do pretty much anything anywhere in the US, you just won't get NYC pay for it.

Lie, cheat and steal. That's apparently the only way. That's the real message they are sending out. Hard work no longer pays off and if you can't beat them you join them. I'm just sad no-one else realizes this and since we have been pacified so hard that the time of the rope will never come we have no alternative.

It really does feel like cheating, and you're not even limited to 1. You can just keep buying investment property as long as you have a business case for it.

OMG IS THAT CAT REAL!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

That's why. It gets responses. They crave attention because they are niggers and that is why they post it.

a house is not an investment you dumb boomer kike faggot

jews were not allowed to own real estate before the 19th century, enjoy the revenge goyim

I'm sorry masters, please forgive me. My ancestors did not know the errors of their way.

>The word mortgage is derived from a Law French term used in Britain in the Middle Ages meaning "death pledge" and refers to the pledge ending (dying) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure.
Holy shit
Even though I decided to google, I was still sure you were joking

Bought a fixer upper in recession ive put a ton into it. Still not done. But it does the job and my mortgage for 2,100 sq/ft is still pretty low.

You're a retard

And that's a good thing.

Birthrate per 1000 means nothing, especially for a young population like the US has. Birthrate per woman is the only stat that matters.

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The divorce one pisses at the bottom me off the most

For richer or poorer my fucking ASS what a load of SHIT

woops looks like i wont have the lifestyle i saw on the tv or my friends facebook off to divorce court we go weeeee!

I'm a cop. While I'm confident I could pick up a job there as an officer or a deputy, the soviet socialist republic of ny is in some ways better for cops. A union means we can't be fired for no reason (police work is a never-ending stream of allegations and lawsuits) and I don't think Alabama cops have unions. But I doubt I'd be hated as much by everyday people there as I am in ny. And the weather... it's all I think about lately.

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Basically slavery to pic related

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>he's a poorfag

I'll let you pick my dog's turds up from my backyard for one LINK an hour

Lucky boomers got to live in an economy that had yet to be fully raped to death by capitalist greed.

How do I into space doctor mode? What school?

Which companies should I buy from?

doctor my space is sick, can u help pls?

just be urself
make six figures

maybe they aren't a veteran who brags about their government benefits

didn't say anything antisemitic, what are you implying here? That bankers are all jewish? That sounds antisemitic to me!

15 yr mortgage

Try 30 in europe

that's not a house, it's a render.

one of my roommates is exactly like this. he bragged that he finally started participating in his 401k at work at the market bottom even though he's had 5% match for 2 years now. he blew half of his stimulus check on video games already. he bought a nintendo switch and a copy of animal crossing. I'm fairly certain he has less than 1 grand in savings at this point and has always lived hand to mouth. he had to give me rent late once this year already. he's like 38. he wants to trade in his iphone 8 for a new SE. people are so fucking disappointing

tell me where i can buy an ugly mcmansion in california for 300k? That's not even a downpayment in los angeles, poortard.

all cops are bastards. kill yourself fucking pig. funny that the uniform allowance is part of your compensation. that's retarded. try not to shoot any bystanders on your way to work dipshit


stay mad

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Feel free to move to a country with no cops. I will make it my duty to come there and bash your fucking head in.

I don't even have to lock my door where I live, my neighbor has a gadsden flag hanging up. I can defend myself. try it. there's no time in which I'd want a cop to come to my house

Dumb pigs
your the only thing keeping the fence up
fuck yourself