Why does everyone here hate LTC

Why does everyone here hate LTC

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because this place is filled with bcash and bsv shills


Is there something to like about LTC? shill me

copycat without any use, even worse than bch

I don't LTC is digital silver to BTC's gold: youtube.com/watch?v=KiAwmulZJpI

always liked litecoin, it was fast transactions. was buying it at 50 cents back in the day. I got about 200 of them stuck in a crypto gambling site from years back, fuck. anyway, you can't go wrong with holding LTC fuck what anyone says

I had 200 but yesterday sold half :( I regret it cause I sold at 46 and bough 2k worth of ETH

>biz hate is completely retarded
The only real problem is that no one is developing on LTC

Why should I go LTC over ETH?

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