Do you hate lottery winner type "entrepreneurs"? How do you cope?

>>gets into iPhone apps back when indie creators could still get high rankings and make money
>>makes a few million in ads around that time
>>buys stocks/crypto that goes up, retires
>>now acts like Elon Musk on reddit with ONE successful app launch and countless dumb things that failed afterwards, pretty much proving there was no skill involved

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Look at me I give talks and seek publicity but no one seems to care but reddit virgins idk why, maybe because I'm a lottery winner faggot opining on business ideas even though I can't replicate my own past success?

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this is Wong on so many levels

if the guy has to show his car then he has something to sell

>wasting your energy on being jealous of others success

Why don't you try and create things and eventually you may get "lucky" too

Trying to decide which crypto to invest in. Spend hours looking at two white papers.

Then realized that two whites dont make a wong.

He's just a small time "entrepreneur" who made it but has zero public recognition for it so he flashes cars around so people will ask him how he got rich etc to feed his ego. Evan Spiegel doesn't need to do that shit
He also once broke his legs crashing a car lol

Someone's bitter and jealous of the success of others

ITT: hurr durr im mad because somebody with no talent made it when I couldn't

I'm mad because this fool tells people "you can make it too" as if the App Store grind didn't die like 10 years ago. Now it's all about SaaS and you need venture funding to do anything big.

He is a low skill/credential developer who worked at really bad companies and hit this police scanner lotto on the side, now he opines on tech like he knows a damn thing.

tldr the "luck" that he had, like a bad CS student/new grad putting up a student quality portfolio project that might be alright for an internship resume -> actually making millions from it won't happen ever again

You wouldn't be mad if someone with no talent implied that talent made him rich?

Ok and you're not?
1) *Makes it from lucky meme app*
2) says "it wasn't luck"
that implies everyone who hasn't made it has no talent

OP is right. he obviously had skill but it was perfect timing. equivalent to a guy who stumbled into btc early, held and now acting like a guru in all things crypto.

His SKILL was the same as any person who can somewhat code and he even admits as much

I suppose he'd say his skill was being a business visionary or some shit. Yeah with a fucking radio scanner that made some ad money once upon a time then a bunch of failed projects like a sneaker marketplace thing, a keyboard thing like gboard, etc? He literally hit on a good business idea once lol

Oh and he says the police app still makes millions a year from ads to this day but it's a LARP and no one calls him on it except me who he banned from his sub

Nowadays he just sits at home posting for reddit karma and watching FAANG stocks go up, his apps are dried up like everyone else's

As a fellow millionaire I say good for him making money, but this kind of shit is gay af.

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Who gives a fuck? Making money takes a lot of "luck." I got very lucky and started a business and sold it for a 7 figure pay day. There was so much luck involved in the process, but I still like to act like I'm special and separate myself from others who are poor. Also, that "luck" evinced because of my personality and education. I was somehow able to befriend someone who financed my business. So was it really all "luck?"

Stop being jealous of other people just because you suck and are unlucky. You're just trying to project "moral superiority" because you have financial inferiority.

If this guy is able to make money off of others by flashing his wealth, good for him, he has an additional "talent" for taking advantage of losers. If you're such a paragon of virtue, then shut the fuck up and enjoy your 9 to 5, annual vacation, Sunday church, and whatever else helps you cope with your "moral superiority."

oh great, here come the LARPers

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Who said I'm morally superior faggot?
If you do some meme niche business and do well for yourself don't act like you fucking founded Google is all, you retard

Your shitpreneurship money is trash and no one respects it. I was talking to the guy posted ITT before I knew it was him but I knew vaguely he had wealth and I was confused like "why aren't you trying for more, go do a real startup this time and get backing, or go be an exec at one" then I found out he made it from this retarded shit and realized no one in serious tech circles would actually take this loser seriously. He even lives in Orlando FL to save a little on taxes like a retarded retiree loser instead of where actual tech is happening lol

TLDR enjoy your shitpreneur money but don't expect people to respect you

>now acts like Elon Musk on reddit

and how would you know that, Mr. Faggot? You have to go back.

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Carlos pls


so pretty much roger verr

Wow really no one cares huh


>Zig Forums is all penniless neets
He doesn't know

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what a fucking shocker nobody cares about your ricegum flavor of the month

in what world is that an insult? A lot of people who made it just provided a service when it was in high demand. There's really no thinking involved. Now he gets some extra bucks doing interviews and telling chumps they can make it when the variables are completely different from when he made it.

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>Do you hate lottery winner type "entrepreneurs"?
Only if they act like your pic (which is all of them all the time, fucking disgusting). If they realize they got lucky (they never fucking do) I have 0 problem with them.
>How do you cope?
Trump said: winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners. This is 100% true. You must focus on your own path and maximize your own specific gains based on yourself. Focus on winning, forget about the others.

these niggers say they run businesses on the side, but even if they're the 1% that don't incur losses, they burn through that shit quick without any real change to their social status or political influence.

If they were smart, they'd reinvest into small lobbying causes or local politics, and use the "entrepreneur" shit on normies. if they don't have true skill, they should at least try to get a better say

>Look at me, I made it!
>If you can't make it too then you're a loser and not trying hard enough!
>hard stats say 99% of people won't make it

Same shit you'll hear from MLM pyramid-scheming faggots. The only difference is that people like Wong happened to find success without having to leave a trail of broken dreams and financially ruined people behind them, but they're selling the same unrealistic expectations.