In 1961, Buffett revealed that 35% of the partnership's assets were invested in the Sanborn Map Company...

>In 1961, Buffett revealed that 35% of the partnership's assets were invested in the Sanborn Map Company. He explained that Sanborn stock sold for only $45 per share in 1958, but the company's investment portfolio was worth $65 per share. This meant that Sanborn's map business was being valued at "minus $20." Buffett eventually purchased 23% of the company's outstanding shares as an activist investor, obtaining a seat for himself on the Board of Directors, and allied with other dissatisfied shareholders to control 44% of the shares. To avoid a proxy fight, the Board offered to repurchase shares at fair value, paying with a portion of its investment portfolio. 77% of the outstanding shares were turned in.[41][42] Buffett had obtained a 50% return on investment in just two years.[43]
reminder all those old "genius" investors like buffett and soros were literally playing on tutorial mode

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all boomers were. big surprise

> Be 1985
> Majority of stocks worth $.95
> Buy 100 worth with noice job as grocery boi
> Just bought house in Cali
> Be 2001 n I'm rich af cause passing laws that only help me and my generation
> Retire as cashier
> Become Walmart greeter while pulling 1.7k from ssi
> Call customer service to act entitled
> Drive around in 40k car - acting entitled

Fucking boomers. These fuckers act like it's 1985 still n that millennials n gen x are just lazy.

Fucking cunts.

Zoomers will die.

trying too hard

pretty cringe

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buffet's strategy was to buy and wait. he basically did what boomers did to their 401k: simply exist and contribute money to an investment in a time of unprecedented economic growth. his advice is fucking retarded and does not apply to contemporary markets. if you tried to replicate it today you would be BTFO as the low hanging fruit is gone.

Said the newbie stock investor who loses money

Buffett is a scam artist and human trash, the brain was always Charlie Munger

If this was true he would have been forced out long ago

Kek if you actually think it's possible to do what buffet did, you are a retard

All of the businesses that made him rich would be illegal now and they have to have a quota of Butch lesbians and minorities

The US is not on track for growth over the next 20 years

>biggest crisis boomers had after ww2 was the Cuban missile crisis other than that unlimited growth and a comfy economy until 2001.

>after 2001 millennials have dealt twice with total bankruptcy, 3 global pandemics one major and failed war and countless nuclear scares against north Korea and China buying their real state while boomers sell everything they can get their hands on

Why are we not euthanizing boomers?
The economy is literally death because they're scared to catch the flu and just want to keep fucking us beyond our own deaths

>Why are we not euthanizing boomers?

Because of their cuckservative votes to avoid full-blown egalitarian communism that will see turbo-affirmative action and a redistribution of wealth from Whites to brown people.

This. I've told people that if you make it as a trader in 2020, you are legitimately better than almost every trader that existed pre-dotcom boom. The new "market wizards" so to speak, aren't wizards. Compared to the old generation, they're market deities. Fighting through penny spreads that teleport all over, HFTs, rigged microstructure, absurd correlations, enormous amounts of fake order flow, after hours manipulations, and so on. It's playing the game on nightmare mode.

Go watch old videos of the legendary traders, read their books. Some of them were utter spazzes who would blow up within a few months in modern times. Seriously, rookie traders on prop desks don't even spaz out like some of the "greats." A lot of them were pseuds and brainlets writing philosophy books that are about kiddie pool deep. Others were just like "durrr muh strategy is buy when it go up and hold it!" and it actually worked because once price picked a direction it just kept going. If you read the old books REALLY pay attention to how much they talk about shakeouts for example.

>Forgetting Vietnam and stagflation/oil

Oh, and my opinion is fuck it by this point. Let it happen, I hate boomers so much. My parents sold everything and got a reverse mortgage so they could take multiple trips to Europe and resorts in the Caribbean and Mexico.

I remember hearing about my Grandma's friend who worked at Disney for a little bit, got a bunch of Disney stock, and just held it until she was rich. I mean couple this with real estate prices and it's hard to imagine not being 80+ and being rich.

Post your spreadsheet Mr. Market-genius. Or are you just another armchair cryptard who wants to dab on boomers by sounding like he knows how markets work?

>stocks worth $.95

Uh user, you know stock value has nothing to do with absolute price, right? The price is determined by how many pieces of pie there are.

I want to believe this, but they're rich and I'm not. Whatever they did, it was right at the time.

The reason why you can't do what buffet did is he trades inside and insurance pool and is not regulated like a regular investor.

fuck that's blood boiling. most of these boomers got an inheritance from their own parents, so what makes them think they shouldn't give the same to their children?

In Buffets generation, there were still a lot of people who didn't trust the markets at all and put no money into it. Now people see it as guaranteed money and a savings account with better gains, which it isn't. Pretty much anybody who steadily invested in the 40s and 50s would have made a mint because market confidence has been rising for decades. It's gonna reset eventually.

Buffet was also the son of a senator and used his connections to establish himself. "Self made" lmao

Lmao get fucked bitch! Bootstraps! Hahahahahahaha!


O no, some soi peasant farmer with outdated Russian weaponry a whole ocean and 3 continents away from here, boomers can never catch a break.

Vietnam and every for profit war America engaged after ww2 was literally a fucking meme, Vietnam was the shittiest of them all and America still lost it

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If 401ks don't gain over the years this country is game over

>literal zoomer GIBSMEDAT whine
Kys you entitled little shits

>Buffett had obtained a 50% return on investment in just two years.

thats fucking nothing lmao

>reminder all those old "genius" investors like buffett and soros were literally playing on tutorial mode


lol my parents never travel and only spend their money by going out to eat once a week and have two pensions in addition to social security. even if my dad dies my mom will get his pension for the rest of her life too and she hates to travel.

i'm going to get so much fucking money when they pass so i don't even care about possibly losing 100% of my crypto investments.

literal spaz

It's like the people who got rich playing online poker in the 2000s - all you needed to do was know the rules and you were a winning player. If you understood probability then you were making a living. If you knew what GTO stood for then you could be making enough to retire at 30.

You give any modern retarded losing day-trader a calculator, put them in the 1960s market, and they'll seem like a fucking prodigy.