/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread

Eternal BRRR edition

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>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings



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Tesla more like Tulsa hahaha

ceo dumping on bagholders

>he trusted a South African


I only respect cunny, bros.

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Everything about TSLA stock is a shitcoin.


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around africAns never relax

2 minutes after I sold my Tesla put, +$2000 if I had just gone to cook some eggs instead

>TSLA dumping


threadly reminder to HODL

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we live in a society

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>FOMO'd myself into buying FRO today at the literal top

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Why are white South Africans so wildin', this dude is a literal psycopath

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Aqua is a baka and would defiantly buy the top

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I honestly think it will be one of the great investments of this century long term. Short term it is a shit coin though and Id rather stay away.

Also imagine the day that Musk lets us buy Starlink stock.
It will be the week we can all retire.

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Love the tights, bored of yuri.
Ah, did they have you work from home? My relatives in Italy are still stuck in their homes.

i was down 2k on a tesla call now its worthless and im down 5k
how is this legal

Can you imagine being a board member/major shareholder for Tesla and have the CEO tell the world bullshit that tanks the company ~6% in minutes? Just remove the nutjob already, let him fiddle in the non-public space company

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maybe he's selling all possessions to raise money to buy the TSLA he just tanked


>AXP is levered to tits compared to Visa and MC
Keep in mind that AXP is technically a bank whereas Visa and Master Card are processors.

What's the SEC gonna do, remove him again?

Is shit about to hit the fan?

Elon is just getting ready to suicide. He knows the Tesla accounting fraud can't be covered up much longer

pasta from this morning

>next week
>4th of may
>IHS PMI market index of aprel
>Sentis index for may
>PMI markit brazil
>US industrial orders for march
>bonduelle results, Oneo results
>berkshire hathaway T1, ferrari T1

>5th of may
>PMI IHS CIPS index for april
>french commercial deficit
>ISM index
>AXA Q1, BNP Q1,Europcar Q1,TOTAL Q1,Chrysler Q1, disney Q1, hugo boss
>Air liquide general assembly

>6th of may
>US decision on monetary policy
>brazil commercial numbers
>Arkema Q1,BMW,Paypal,Hyatt,Aperam
>Thales general assembly

>Japan monetary base
>monetary policy of japan
>PMI caixin of russia

anything to add?
>German industrial production
>French commercial deficit
>monetary policy of UK
>US unemployment
>Nintendo Q1,Puma,Continental,Bombardier,

>Japan PMI jinbun
>germany current balance

>Calls on TSLA after a 300 dollar gain in stock in a period of a couple of weeks

>Elon told the traders to lower the stock price and they actually did it, absolute madmen


It's not actually legal.

Tesla cultist get what they fucking deserve.

Duality of Man

Idea: Buy TSLA calls for when Elon announces that his Twitter got hacked


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Guess who's back

Back again

Bobo's back

Tell a friend

Guess who's back
Guess who's back
Guess who's back

>have literally any else in charge of the company
>stock remains at $30 for its entire existence

>VIX looking ready to break out
You didn't think the volatility was over, did you?

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>S&P breaking down into new daily lows after Elon's tweet

lmao I can't even

ah we missed the opportunity for one of the TSLA OP images

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It's over for the usa

Looking to buy more tanker long calls, what's the play? Already holding NAT for 5/15 and DHT 12/18.

i was truly expecting it to reach past 1k this time in this absolute clownmarket
almost went short but it's literally a gamble

I vote for "crabbing" to be renamed to "algo wobble"

Tanker bros.... Will we be okay?

>he did not know the future

these are from when TSLA was sub-300 last year

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Has his new wife already driven him mad??? Or did he just smoke too much reefer this morning?

I would bet my RDSB stock on Musk being behind over 90% of bobo posting on Zig Forums

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BVLLKEK got rekt

if Elon wasnt there, most people wouldnt even hear of that company.
If Elon died, their stocks would half

I like this artist.
you do good work too my friend

>actually worst girl
even YunYun...

>Keep in mind that AXP is technically a bank whereas Visa and Master Card are processors.
wow then fuck AXP

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I don't know about SEC, I think they will leave it up to the board members because it poses a major risk for the company and their tens of thousand of employees

>Told people to buy $700 puts in Tesla expiring today
>Nobody listened, not even myself
Bros we’d all be millionaires if we took my advice

Has Elon Musk lost his mind?

Looking good so far.

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Curious: new tires swing trading. This is when I need to be all cash right? One week in and I already rekt myself. Trying to take the gun away from my head right now



musk is based stocks will go down until the commie governors are raped and killed

>Ah, did they have you work from home?
we're gonna have a week in office now then probbly 3 more weeks HO, I dont work with clients so my "inner" departments work is not affected much, if anything its been easier to contact managers on skype
Funny but Corona chan actually helped us speed up online learning and few day to day processes, meetings are way faster

Tesla is a speculative/hype stock dude, removing Elon would be like removing Steve Jobs because he thinks eating fruit cures cancer

Yes. Hold and buy the dip

Based Elon pumping my gold position

yeah I'll need to consider it now, might have to rethink AXP if I have too much free money some day

but crab is an animal like a bull or a bear
I like algo wobble, it sounds cool, but it isn't an animal

He never had one. Why is anyone surprised Musk made a retarded and illegal statement on Twitter about Tesla. He does this shit all the time

>Not listening to the voices in your head
Fatal mistake
If I am able to murder that girl because of them, you are able to buy some options.

still better than my average cost

Not so fast pajeet

Based Muskman tanking the markets and making gold go up. My miners are printing money for me today.

>Stoch and MACD on BUY
>still falling

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Maybe he browses /smg/ kek

this just means you fucked up size of your positions
classic mistake, done this many times, actually still doing it sometimes when I get too cocky

Oh fuuuuck we're testing the 200 HR MA on the S&P

Maybe it could have healthy growth and become a real company then. Having a personality inflate the value of the stock just creates a bubble


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any oilers?

It just seems real odd

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Last thread there were talks about ta, prings book 'technical analysis explained' and this vid have helped me immensely

Hmm, you have a point there

Buy high
Sell low
That's how you make it



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What the fuck is going on with RTX?! Why?! I don't have cash on hand to buy more because it is tied in oil, but I am deathly scared to sell oil in case it recovers today or flies up Monday. Wtf is going on today really at all, places are opening and this is literally the single best most good news day we have had since pandemic has started. This makes absolutely no sense to sell now of all times and unlike normal when I am afraid stocks are going to go down the next day if I buy, today I am petrified stocks will go back up as they should if I sell. Why the fuck didn't Bobo strike during the 3 weeks of rallying on bad news and waits until the single best day there is to start the sell off.

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rip tesla calls


how high are you expecting the price to go? Should I get out now and buy another dip?

dude's got cabin fever
basically he made the first two posts to get attention on himself, then launched into a FREE THE PEOPLE speech

Must be strange being a billionaire. Maybe he snorted too much coke off that ugly pop star's ass this morning?

Elon doing it again

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Okay, this is epic.

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I really fucking hate you. Last couple days all you do is shittalk me when I post about technicals and fundamentals pointing to a dip/correction/crash and today you have the fucking gallon to show your face. People like you think you are smart because you hold popular stocks long term. You're just a mediocre investor who posts nothing of merit or interest, and you're waifu is shit.

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Tesla as of about 30 mins ago lel

freedom loving american

open my country back up
bring back manufacturing
50% tariffs on all chinky products

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I kinda am thinking he was hacked this time


When your down 7 dollar but up 77 dollars. How the hell do you guy do this with large amounts of money must be stressful.

IAG and KGC, junior gold miners with ERs coming in early next week.

>AUY is climbing again
Finally. Hurry and break $5 already you beautiful bitch.

>Selling all physical posessions
>This Tweet
Oh my god Trump is gonna declare war against Venezuela or China isn't he


he's literally not wrong. this kikedown is the gayest shit to ever happen to america. It's a flu that kills old people sightly more.

all the way to the moon

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>one mans tweet moves entire market -1%
>not even president
everything is overvalued

I have telsa at 489

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>thinking it was tweet
Exactly like the cattle he's aiming for.

Imagine if you picked up 5/1 700P for .09. Jesus. I should really start following these volatile CEOs and Drumpf on Twitter

Well, the difference between other banks/consumer finance companies is that AXP processes its own transactions whereas Visa takes a cut from COF, Chase, etc. So AXP really makes the most off of each card swipe since they retain 100% of the merchant fees.

Personally, AXP is my favorite credit card company and their clientele is generally wealthier and larger businesses so they tend to be less price sensitive.


if it was any other billionaire sure, but he's John McAfee levels of certified looney

waiting for the earnings pump to sell, but if you are doing it for divvies just buy more and hold forever

>Must be strange being a billionaire. Maybe he snorted too much coke off that ugly pop star's ass this morning?
I go back and forth. Is she cute? Or not? Certainly to much clown makeup usually, but otherwise cute. FUCK I JUST CAN'T DECIDE


k normie


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I bought in at $5.93


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I honestly don't think so, that was the case a few years ago but for the past year he have only been trouble for the company while his people pushed the company forward in other countries and even China through the "trade war". Let him do the space shit while working at Tesla on the side, he doesn't have to disappear completely.. but place him on the side lines doing interviews and shit, so the stock might not react so harsh to his drugged up tweets

TSLA will tank for good if Elon is moved to being only CEO of starlink or the SEC just outright bans him from being on the board at all.

wealthier individuals*

this asshole on CNBC wearing a mask with 0% effectiveness

bro WHAT THE FUCK happen to tesla ???

>all those tsla shitters itt

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>TSLA tanking to under $700

bravo elon

imagine having such a huge cock that you decide to tank your OWN company's stock and lower your net worth by BILLIONS

kind of incredible actually wow

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I have DHT 05/15 8c, FRO 06/19 9c and TNP 06/19 5c. To Da Moooooon! If it keeps going down I'm just buying more calls.


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Sell the news, and the chart is abysmal. The reality that the economy isn't going to have a quick recovery will be reflected in the market sooner or later, too. We are walking on a tightrope at these prices and it's much easier for a firm to take profits and initiate a big sell off, than for a firm to initiate a rally.

All worthwhile dividend stocks except tankers are dead in the water for the foreseeable future and with very few exceptions (like PSI).

Maybe he wants to be the next republican president

*to buy more shares at a lower price

I like Elon, but he's either retarded or retarded when it comes to tweeting about stock issues. SEC gonna ream him a new one and possibly send him to prison if he tries buying this dip

This is nothing less than price manipulation

nigs what the FUCK is going on right now

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My poor fucking sides

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Jesus Christ someone could have gotten extremely wealthy if they bought at .12

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So why is tesla doomping

based divvies

>SEC gonna ream him a new one and possibly send him to prison if he tries buying this dip
he was the one who sold

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Why the FUCK are my oil stocks tanking if oil is UP?

Market valuations are a meme.
You should only trust the books.

Haha we're all fucked

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you're based brother but a ton of companies have been cutting divvies and it's concerning

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Go long TVIX and TMF fucking now.

New strategy everyone. Whenever Elon speaks, we buy puts. We'll be rich within a week.

imagine being the guy who fomo'd tesla at 900 and elon pulls this shit

What some good bargains that will shoot back up to pre covid days?

So basically instead of 3 or 4 sizeable holdings, keep maybe 10 smaller ones ready to dump at a moment's notice?

Musk changed his bio. Is he going to claim he was hacked while buying the dip?

aqua is straight up the normie choice

KO, JNJ, COST, PG, LMT all good, likely PEP, KMB, others as well
just solid consumer packaged goods companies and others with good balance sheets. Basically just don't pick shit stocks.

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> Elons finally cracked
Funny and bullish

Tesla will be in much more trouble than just that because this is an open-and-close lawsuit fodder.


Fuck those Dutch bastards at RDS those asshats tanked the entire oil sector when they cut that historic dividend. My god you can't trust the dutch, fucking dyke zaks.

Lmao if he is removed it will tank hard asf.

F14 most aesthetic plane

You're just feeding me cheapies. Dump more you sluts don't disappoint daddy warbucks

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2% dividend is not 'worthwhile' by any reasonable metric.


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FRO, DHT today. RTX, USAC monday

>holding SOXL still

ET tanking

>Dutch companies do stupid shit
>Elon publicly fucks himself in the ass
More proof that marijuana rots the brain

Elon tweets about his favorite anime and calls people pedos for being a white guy living in Thailand, he isn't hacked.

eh alright
yeah don't reach for yield

Yes of course, until the company proves that Musk have been a bolder hanging from Tesla's ballsack for the past year

Whatever, I sold my XOM to buy more RTX. RTX's chart isn't abysmal when you count United Technologies. It is ludicrous to sell it off like this. Also sold some FANG since I ran it up so long already and still got HAL and MRO. Plus....tankers kek. Maybe buy back into XOM if it falls a lot so I can pick up its divvy before May 12th.

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Awww yeah more dumping. Is reality finally settling in!?

if your 10% position goes 10% against you you only lose 1% of your account so yeah
also jump in and out in portions, I usually do 2-3 trades when I get in and out. 4 trades rarely worked for me thats when I start oversizing and fuck it all up.

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I can afford 10x as much just waiting for the price to dump so I can buy 50x. Don't disappoint me

all of my divvy stocks are increasing their dividend. MO, JNJ, PG, AAPL, IBM, COST all hiked their dividend in the last month (6-7% each except for IBM). CVX and MCD stopped buybacks but will hike their dividend this year as well.

Share price is much less important than dividend growth, payout ratio and free cash flow to me

And here you see how fucking retarded the stock market is right now.

One guy can tweet something and the value drops 11%.

Tesla is the biggest clowns in the clown market.

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Genuinely might happen. Even if it was Elon, the board members may convince him to make a public statement saying it wasn't.

Why does biz shill DHT, as opposed to these other tanker chads?
Their financials look all equally shitty.

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Wanting cheapies is like half the point of being a bear though

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call me when it's $6 dollars again so I can buy more

its only dumping because of some retards tweet

>accounting magic in 10-K filings allow you to claim "profit" when you both need it to open hundreds of millions of dollars of options at a time when it will have most impact
>get called on it
>decide to tank your own stock from pride
SPY needs to remove TSLA already

Hell yeah, it is. Fuck bulls.

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Touché I'm a bear then

I buy 1 SOXL each month in my ROTH. I have 2 now

>Buy 283 5/1p at 40 on Wednesday
>Sell at 25 on Thursday
>Its 1.12 today

Guys the RTX bottom was supposed to be higher than this

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too late

I think that the saying goes
"buy cheapies all May, if you don't then you're gay"

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When you are on it, remove all FAANG stocks, and make a own bubble indizes plx.

I didnt mean just tesla. A bunch of stocks just did another sell off.

Rtx bottom was last month

Where do anons see ET by October? Thinking of buying some 11c for 10/16.

Its gonna tank some more after earnings

>nearly 6% down and not stopping

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Fear, uncertainty, doubt

Holy shit has Elon officially gone insane?

It's probably my sleep deprived thoughts but what if he knew the dump was coming and this was his way of warning his cult?