MVIS is the next UAVS

Microvision (MIVS) is currently trading at $0.41 a share. Rumor has it they will announce buyout by Microsoft next Friday based on leaked images of a new Xbox VR Prototype. Buy Buy Buy!

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Go suck your dead mothers cock.

ALL in Zig Forumsnessmen!

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where's the rumor founded from
I don't care if it's BS i just need to know if the normies will believe it like UAVS

It's all over stocktwits and r/pennystocks. They're also based in Redmond Washington (same place as MS) and make laser sensors that combine with projectors to do VR type stuff.

People are buying the rumor. Volume is way up. This is behaving similarly to how UAVS was last week. Conference call is next Friday.

aight i'll play. gotta wait for some funds to come out of robinhood limbo though. what price are we aiming to dump em at

Thanks user. Picked up cheap $1 calls

If you don’t have own MVIS you ain’t going to make it

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I don't have a specific price in mind. But it seems the rumors are picking up steam and getting organic. I'm probably gonna HODL until Thursday or market open next Friday before the conference call. I got in on UAVS Wednesday and made a pretty penny selling before the call yesterday. Coulda made wayy more if I had got in early. That's what I'm aiming to do with MVIS.

nice 64 shares bro

Waiting for stimulus check to go in balls deep

Damn 32 dollars? Watch out, we gotta a high roller here!

It may be a wild ride (some big volume players in it) but I expect it to keep pumping on the week chart till conference call next Friday. .

I have 7k dropping into my Tda IRA next week, should I drop 1,500?

I'm a bit new to trading, can anyone explain the strategy?
>Price is $.50
>price goes up to $1.05 due to hype alone hypothetically
>Company gets bought out by Microsoft hypothetically
>Price goes up to $2.50 hypothetically

So whats the next move exactly? Do you just get rid of the call when it's in profit? Do you hold onto it as long as you can? If the company gets bought out, would you have been better off having shares?

Thats clearly photoshopped. Genius play for p&d tho

Get the fuck in.

We just broke 0.50

No fucking brakes on this train. Jump off before it hits the wall during next Friday's conference call. We're gonna make it bros. /comfy/ gains next week.

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We wallstreetbets now

CODX Mooning! 100% specifity and 100% sensitivity on covid 19 tests. 15$ average, get in!

Microsoft partnership confirmed

Nah; we buy AND MAKE the rumors. WSB buys the rumors and gets left holding the bag when the news hits. FUCK REDDIT

this, Zig Forums is the home and origin of kek magic

Speaking of wsb. Who's gonna start shilling hard on r/WSB? Those fucking basedboys with rich parents giving them investment money believe anything

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>Do you just get rid of the call when it's in profit?
That’s the plan. All of this is most likely bullshit so I’ll sell my contracts before the end of next week if the price pumps until then.

Support at .50

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You're gonna hold over the weekend?

Also, what terms are you goys getting on your calls?

>50% gain


Fuck it I make $2,000 a month not doing shit throwing in $50 won't hurt.

>Also, what terms are you goys getting on your calls?
I'm so new i dont even know what this means, just on robinhood trying to make a buck

Date and strike for call options is what he's asking.

got in a bit late, bought at 0.52 before it dropped another penny. sad. hope it pomps

>he didnt limit at .50

I bet we hit over a dollar Monday. I bought in at .52 also.

We all now is p&d just tell us now user when to sell at what price dropping my. bsv gains

May 15


2$ dollars next Monday

thats a great way to miss it, it was already 0.51 when it even got on my radar

Hold til next Friday. We need to spread the rumors to WSB