What is his end game ?

Attached: elon.png (537x199, 18.77K)

>tanking the market
DNC candidate 2024 probably


whats the fucking context? i am not going to twitter

He took the Diogenes pill.

Attached: diogenes_waterhouse.jpg (438x380, 31.84K)

there's no context he's on psychedelics

>tweeted from iPhone


buying a bigger house


linktard twitter shills finally got to him

fuck this pill.

t. fell for the meme.
i wanna have nice shit now and cant because its so hard to come back from that much downgrading

why would a CEO need a context to tank his own company stocks and cause the shareholder massive loss

i am so glad i don't hold any TSLA

Attached: context.jpg (590x604, 65.33K)

Pushing minimalism agenda and normalizing poverty.

This is what happens when potheads run a company

>i wanna have nice shit now
thatsw as the point

>thatsw as t

Thanks for the 2k whoever hacked his twitter.

Nah, he famously can't toke. He's a wine + Ambien man.

no, that's literally just him posting.

>In the most famous exchange of the meeting, Alexander asked Diogenes whether there was anything he could do for him. Diogenes, who was enjoying the warmth of the autumn sun, answered, “Stand aside to stop blocking the sun.”


>What is his end game ?
Getting through his trip

Attached: 1587675930989.jpg (1024x816, 111.63K)

why does there need to be a thread every time he tweets

He's just a bored billionaire fucking around. Considering what he could do and what his peers are doing, it's pretty harmless. If the worst thing financial elites did with their spare time was shitpost, we'd have a better world on our hands.

He seems to tweet when ever he gets high

Trying to convince Elon to give me his stuff, or at least sell it to me at an extreme discount.


he drugged up

I don't own a house, just like elon musk! I also play video games and buy dogecoin. I am very hip


Elon is about to confirm his partnership with MVIS for LIDAR on his new Tesla’s

is he fucking retarded?