Why do leftists believe that it is a business owner's duty to ensure their employees' survival and sustenance?

Why do leftists believe that it is a business owner's duty to ensure their employees' survival and sustenance?

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Because we force people to have money to survive. That's coercion user.

Maybe it's time to tax people so they don't need jobs to survive and can get food, water, and shelter without being coerced.

Who are you going to tax if nobody works?

You being able to pay your rent in the apartment you knew you couldn't afford is your business. My business is to maximize profit. If you don't like your paycheck, go start your own business or get a different job. If you have no skills, go get some. If you don't like any of the above, change your living situation.

Why are you owed low-cost labor?

>we force people to have money to survive
Nobody put a gun to your head and told you to stop planting a freedom garden.

Globohomo btfo

This isn't easy for people though.
The deck is stacked hard against them. More and more people are going to have to get gibs. When you need 100k to start a business and it has a 50 percent chance of failing in two years, 80 in 5.

So don't take the job. If nobody takes the job, he'll have to increase the pay. As long as people work for shit wages, there will be shit wages.

It is if they complain about it enough lmao

The employers and capitalists. The people with an immense amount of capital.

You hit the nail on the head with the first 2 sentences. Employers and employees are fundamentally at odds with each other, and because of that the workers should at least control some of the means of production, or have some sort of guaranteed collectivized labor force.

> If you don't like your paycheck, go start your own business or get a different job.
Can this meme end? Not everyone has the capital to start their own business, and picking between different extorters is still coercion.

> If you have no skills, go get some.
Oh my god. The absolute state of Zig Forums. Everyone needs a degree now and they all cost money. If not a degree, you need time to obtain skills. The absolute state.

> If you don't like any of the above, change your living situation.
Brb going to go get my capital that I don't have so I can move somewhere else

Time for a real social safety net in the US.

Haha man conservatives can be some silly people.

Listen dont get be wrong there are some brutally stupid leftists on Twitter, then there is liberals, then there is Democrats- the moderate corporate centrists.

Ill say that liberals and dems have the basic understanding that all of the money is going torwards the rich. Worse than ever.
Too late to argue otherwise.
And unfortunately we have to figure out how to transfer it back to the people.

$600 a week? sheeeiiit sign me up

I have to say about this thread, there are more people browsing Zig Forums that are for wealth redistribution than I thought.

Nice :)

I have a friend who hasn't used money for 12 years. He lives in the woods and provides for himself completely. You have that option too you lazy piece of shit.

read Chinese history circa 1949-1976 and then fuck yourself with the textbook

Capitalists mad they can't extort workers anymore and they actually need to improve wages lmaooo

reminder that leftists also defend illegals staying here because they provide cheap labor and that we should be grateful for them

How could you not be?
Its quite literally 100% neccessary at this point.

>because of that the workers should at least control some of the means of production
Then go make it you retard stop trying to steal it from people who made the machines or their customers who buy the machines from them.

Good for them. Uncle Ted would be proud.

I wish I could do that, but my trumpbux went directly to rent. I live paycheck to paycheck

Because otherwise you have no employees. Why do rich fucks think allowing the majority of people to fall into abject poverty and starvation somehow won't effect them? Sooner or later the bottom falls out, and then who's left to buy whatever products and services you're selling? Who's left to work your factories, stores, and transportation networks? Sooner or later people have no choice but to forcibly take what they need to survive.

You can either pay your people enough to survive, or let the government tax your income and profits so that THEY can make sure your people survive and maintain the system that allowed you to amass wealth in the first place.
>but I'm a self-made man!
There is no such thing. The moment you hired or paid someone else to do something for you that allowed you to increase your wealth, you stopped being a self-made man and became a part of the system.

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There are few people in modern history that became rich entirely from their own inventions without generational wealth. It is not stealing, you chose to do business in the US, so you comply with their laws.

This guy thinks capitalism is natural.

If this comic was the US, it would show the lady's mom planting a berry bush a generation ago, her forcing the man to pick the berries, and then her taking a majority of the berries because "she deserves it, that's nature"

reminder that the US is not a meritocracy and never will be, so a social safety net is needed NOW

>forcing the man to pick the berries

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Jesus you people are such panty pissing pussies sometimes.

First let me explain what isnt real
>everyone who isnt a drop dead retard trump supporter is a "leftist"
Dont be ao cavalier with that term.
Leftist arent much of a problem numbers wise just like the kkk isnt.
>libs want open boarders
Not real. Made up shit that Republican politicians and retards like trump say because they believe you are stupid.

Immigration in the US isnt a real problem. Its made up.
Net immigration is low, deportations are high, work force is needed for growth.

Conservatives are in business because they have chosen the tactic of scaring their easily panicked low iq populace into voting for tax cuts
>honduran cleaning lady gunna hurt u
>obama is a muslim he gonna hurt u
>isis gunna march down your streets
>obama gunna take yer guns
>muslims gonna change the constitution
>war on christmas
>scary dixie chicks
Retard shit.
A bet that conservatives are as big as pussies as trump himself.
(Not to say libs don't have some fear tactics as well)

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sorry, not forcing.

saying "you can pick the berries or not"

and then if he doesn't pick the berries he starves

he's not wrong


how is that any different from nature saying "you can hunt and gather or not"
and then if you don't hunt and gather you starve

it seems like you're just mad you don't get things for free