>rumours that microsoft will supposedly buy this shitcoin stock >MUCH more evidence this time around >70 mi volume >announcing buyout next friday >1 whole WEEK of growth ahead >options trading available for robinhoodfags, $1 calls at 0.10 >normies and boomers going crazy over it
Literally UAVS but better. Get the fuck in here and don’t remember to dump your bags before the conference.
You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.
Hudson Bailey
Me too
Matthew Roberts
Jeremiah Jones
Lucas Gomez
If this shit moons to $10 and i have like 50 $1 Calls bought for $10 each how fucking much am i going to make? I would literally and unironically shit myself if i woke up to such a big and bright green dildo first thing in the morning
Cameron Gray
Why this stock is so important OP?
Lucas Diaz
>>announcing buyout next friday why is this good? I want to buy but you don't explain well
>Instead of shilling, pumping and dumping shitcoins on Zig Forumsraelis, pajeets in call centers across the Indian subcontinent have now resorted to shilling, pumping and dumping penny stocks on Zig Forumsraelis, in order to purchase food for their families and protect their tribes from predators...