What massive scams does Zig Forums think will be unearthed by recession? 2001 revealed Enron. 2008 revealed Madoff

What massive scams does Zig Forums think will be unearthed by recession? 2001 revealed Enron. 2008 revealed Madoff.
inb4: the S&P 500

Attached: burnafterreading.png (800x433, 440.36K)

Deutsche Bank
Wells Fargo but that'll be quieter

well tesla obviously
i'd short the false pedo accusations market
other almost every green/renewable energy company, all of them don't work and only life of generous subsidies
after that the sharing economy, is already happening started with wework, right now airbnb, uber are dying
people will realise these are hotels without a hotelpermit and taxis without a taxi permit that destroy cities and fuck over their 'employees'


The real scam was letting selfish and stupid voters elect selfish and stupid politicians to manage the economy to begin with.

The entire world economy is in tatters and it is literally all because of government over-reaction to a virus that is killing a statistically insignificant portion of people, most of whom were already about to die for one reason or another.

it's gonna be crypto as a whole 100%

>Deutsche Bank
I could see it

To add onto white collar crimes unearthed by recessions:
Hatry Group: 1929
WorldCom: 2002
Tyco: 2002
Business Consulting International: 2008
Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler: 2009
Petters Group Worldwide: 2009
Stanford Financial Group: 2009
Dreier LLP: 2009

>Deutsche Bank

ya for sure

went and looked and somehow their stock is mooning today lol wowzer

All of crypto besides BTC

How can you lump ETH and XMR in there? To me they’re the only 3 worth a damn