/smg/ stock market general



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you ARE buying airline stocks next week, right user?

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>that feel when I will never be able to have 11
>polo shirts
Life isn't fair. Eleven polo shirts is only for the billionaires.

No Chad, I acutally like money.

I might buy Southwest or Air Canada because I think they might have some structural/regional advantages over other companies. I don't know much about Southwest though - need to investigate. Air Canada I have in the back of my mind but I'm not sure about a price target. It could get restructured and my equity would get wiped out.

>buying your bags

>size: medium

its ok user, i work in FinTech. its just business

side note tho, that's not even a quarter of my polo stash

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Damn if you invested into lulu lemon back in 2007 you'd have almost 100X gains.

Whats everyone's thoughts on American Airlines? I bought in at its 52 week low and now these bastards lowered the target price to 1$.

You couldn’t pay me to hold that cancerous bag. Fuck Airline shills, Government takeovers incoming and bond holders will get fucked like GM part 2 electric bugaloo.

Uber I’d say is more of a phenomenon of venture capital, im not sure exactly how much came from the saudis or the Japanese, but those aren’t necessarily due to the fed and US regulations like tarp.

And wasn’t February was the beginning of this in the us and Europe? When big tech and big finance started telling people to work from home and it became apparent that business was going to face a major disruption?

Holy shit

It’s all so exciting and new, this is some of the unexplored territory we have left in the world. There’s danger everywhere and there’s no clear path forward.

If we let all the “zombies” and other unprepared businesses go under, chaos. the shock of so many bankruptcies at once would cause many bankruptcies of otherwise decent companies. The small and medium caps are apparently where most of the zombies are. Let them go bust? The the large behemoths get an accelerated path towards domination. Imagine if the US were literally just the top 100 largest companies. Would every one of them be too big to fail?

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there's one thing i love about Polo: Males will hate on you for wearing it but females know the "frat boy" style behind polo and when you're young (

>Sold UVXY on Thursday
cool beans.
Is this when the market finally realizes it's fucked?

FUCK ME. I bought some yesterday, assuming you typo'd and meant $10 but just saw that shit when I checked, now the average target price is only $15

it's kind of just Dad clothing. I wear polo because it's what my parents bought me and I don't like wasting money on new shit.

Polos are the first upgrade in maturity guys make from graphic T-shirts. Once you start wearing button downs casually you will get even more positive reactions from women


Alright boys, the fiance got a surprise settlement for 16k, ive got about 10k in cash. Should I wait to buy more stonks and if not which stonks do you guys like for a long term investment?

Ive already got 17k in a portfolio and im looking for somemore input on some potentially great buys that ive overlooked.

You dumb. Really dumb.

What you think bro we holding on or we try to stop limit and buy back at a lower price.

nice OP digits, very bullish

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Does someone use eToro?
Which deposit funds option is the cheapest:

Bank card
Wire Transfer

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>Big boys selling you their worthless shit
>Going to be restructured and stock goes to zero

>Government takeovers incoming and bond holders will get fucked like GM part 2 electric bugaloo.
That’s the opposite of what happened.

The stockholders got fucked and their shares became literally worthless, the bondholders got preferred shares in the new company.

How did you get that backwards? It’s the whole point of the story. Go watch the Rudy video again and stay in retard jail until you do.

>And wasn’t February was the beginning of this in the us and Europe?
My 13% number is from March of LAST year (cnn.com/2019/03/31/investing/stocks-week-ahead-zombie-companies-debt/index.html). There is no reason to suspect it is lower. The definition BofA uses is also quite strict.
>Uber I’d say is more of a phenomenon of venture capital, im not sure exactly how much came from the saudis or the Japanese, but those aren’t necessarily due to the fed and US regulations like tarp.
Uber is a summer child. Emerged really into an insane bull market for tech. And over 11 years it still never made money. It keeps (and has kept) needing to raise money to service its older debt. Much of their "reserves" now come from their ipo listing that was from may of just last year.
TARP has absolutely changed the rules of the game in the US. Sure the virus hit everyone hard but it's currently being used as cover for companies that were tanking before this even started for their shitty performance in this and quarters up through the next year.

I'm buying the best airline stock: RTX.

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I've already lost 12% on them today, I'm going to have to hold I guess. Today was BAD for me. I had an excellent day Wednesday and continued holding and my profits over the past few months were basically halved

That's almost my scenario.

Eat a bag of dicks, you don’t remember shit from 2008.

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Really wouldn't mind getting into stocks buy at low and then sell when everything returns to normal.

Just don't know what sites to use.

Imagine working with computers for a living lmao

Don't, the spreads are fucking bleeding ass rape and the "expert" traders are simply used to funnel liquidity into retarded positions for bigwigs to take advantage of.

Either do your own research or sign up for the "Just fuck my shit up, I'm too lazy to have agency" trading platform.

PS etoro is the second one.

Explain to me why I shouldn’t short a substantial amount of AMC. Between them fighting with Hollywood and the fact that people now realize how nice it is to get movies direct to streaming, I’m thinking they go bankrupt within the year

Fuck dude its that easy?

Im gonna open a robinhood right now!

Sick of these lying sacks of shits telling you to buy failed airline bags. Fuck off you dirty cunts.

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Anyone holding a GM bond at that point probably made money, bonds like that aren't even available to normal investors unless they had diamond hands. Shareholders were the real losers, they got zero.

even in the best case for movie theaters, they'll have to sell fewer tickets so that everyone can sit two seats apart
airlines are going to have to do the same thing
very rough times ahead

The bobos are back it town!! Short everything to the ground!!

I bought some puts for June, but they are already 60% down. This stupid clown market where bankruptcy makes stocks go up.

imagine working for a living

You have to look like a pretentious faggot my dude
Why would anyone need more than 6 or 7 basic upper body clothing pieces?
>Why polo shirts, they are just like normal shirts in inconvenient

yeah don't use etoro as a real trader. there spreads are possibly the worst in the world. On top of that they fuck some users over when mergers and they don't even offer a large range of stocks.

However I use the virtual portfolio just for fun